19. other side of a wanted poster

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Sophia yawned as they drove through a market and up the hill

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Sophia yawned as they drove through a market and up the hill. She leaned back in her seat and started putting her hair hair up as the heat of Rio hit them full force. A smile stretched across her face as Brian came to a stop. The two got out of the car, Sophia slinging her bag over her shoulder, adjusting her low rise flared jeans. 

"It's got to be it, right?" She asked as she looked up at the place where Vince supposedly lived.

Brian grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers. They started walking up the stairs, Brian placed in front of Sophia protectively. They reached halfway before the sound of guns clicking reached their ears.

Sophia's hand moved to her stomach as she gripped Brian's hand tighter, several men coming out from the doorways holding guns. 

"Let's get out of here." Brian told Sophia moving his hand to her lower back

"Whoa! Whoa!" The pair turned back around at his voice. "Amigos faceis! Ela esta comigo!" 

Sophia smiled brightly at the familiar voice, relaxing.

Vince laughed as he walked down the steps, towards them. "Soph"

"Vince!" Sophia said happily as he picked her up in a bear hug.

Vince set her down and looked over to Brian. "Buster."

Brian smirked and nodded his head, Vince motioning with his head for the two to follow behind him. Brian wrapped his arm around Sophia as they followed Vince up to his house.

 "Mia or Dom here yet?" Brian asked Vince.

"Mia's inside with lover boy." Vince answered, turning his head back to glance at them.

"No Dom."

"When was the last time you heard from him?" Sophia sighed.

Vince put his gun away as he replied. "Uh, a couple of weeks ago. Up in Ecuador somewhere."

Sophia frowned, Brian squeezing her hip gently. "How does it feel?"

Brian looked up to Vince. "What's that?"

"To be on the other side of a wanted poster?" Vince smirked.

Sophia rolled her eyes as Vince turned back around and continued on the way to his house. The brunette leaned her head against Brian's shoulder. 

"He'll show up." Brian assured her.


"Hey." Vince greeted a very beautiful woman and a very cute baby boy as they entered his house, Sophia sharing a smile with Brian. 

"Hi." He said softly to the little boy, kissing the woman's cheek. "This is my wife, Rosa."

Vince introduced them and Sophia kissed her on the cheek, saying hello in Portuguese. "This is our son Nico."

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