37. where's ramsey?

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Sophia sat in the passenger seat of the car her and Brian were in as they waited in the airplane

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Sophia sat in the passenger seat of the car her and Brian were in as they waited in the airplane. In the quietness of the plane, they could hear the music from Tej's game on his phone and Roman's mumbling.

"Yeah, I'm good. From the streets. You know what I'm saying?" Roman scoffed. "It's nothing."

The plane hit some turbulence and it shook. Sophia swallowed thickly and breathed out heavily as she shared a look with her fiancé. She felt like she was going to throw up at any moment.

"Sophie, you doing okay?" Brian asked as he can tell Sophia was nervous.

"Yea, just little motion sickness but I should be fine," Sophia tried explaining as he grabbed her hand in comfort.

Tej's voice came over the radio. "Hey, Roman, you freaking out, ain't you?"

"No." Roman who was clearly terrified.

Sophia chuckled. "I wouldn't lie Roman. You clearly are."

"I said no."

Tej continued, "Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry. As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well being, which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment."

Brian and Sophia  laughed as Roman cut in annoyed, "Yo, can you just chill out, man?"

"I have seen some crazy shit, Dom." Mr. Nobody spoke over their radio, "But this really could make some waves, so let's just try to keep it as low key as possible, huh?"

"Don't I always?" Dom asked.

Sophia shook her head at her older brother's statement, knowing that was the biggest lie he'd ever told. They never have kept it low key usually something big happens and they are all over the news.

"I'll tell you what." Mr. Nobody spoke. "You knock it down a couple of notches this time and I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona."

"You'd be doing yourself a favor there," Dom spoke.

Mr. Nobody chuckled before Roman yelled, "Can somebody just walk me through what we supposed to be doing?"

"Come on, Rome, this was your plan," Brian spoke, "You gotta embrace it"

"No, this was not my plan," Roman exclaimed.

An alarm started blaring and Sophia  exhaled as the hatch lowered and the wind howled. She can admit she was nervous but more so about the mission at hand.

"Oh, yeah, here we go. Game time." Brian spoke.

All their engines started up and Dom revved his. Roman did the cross on his body as he prayed silently.

"Roman, you need some fresh air?" Tej teased. "Cause you about to get a whole lot of it."

"Okay, here we go!" Dom said before he reversed out of the plane.

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