13. still breathing

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Sophia adjusted her top as she followed Dom through the crowded club

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Sophia adjusted her top as she followed Dom through the crowded club. The atmosphere made her uncomfortable. When she was younger, she used to love places like this, but now not so much. There's too many sweaty people with no sense of personal space. Dom nudged Sophia when he spotted a familiar face over at one of the pool tables, Brian.

"Great," Sophia mumbled, feeling her breath catch in her throat when she followed her brother's gaze. 

She didn't understand how seeing Brian could literally take her breath away yet make her want to cry at the same time. She kept telling herself that she hated Brian, but deep down, she knew it wasn't true. Even after everything he had done to her and her family, Sophia couldn't bring herself to hate him.

Brian felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked up, instantly making eye contact with Sophia. He wasn't expecting to see her here but he was glad to see her. It just gave him an excuse to spend more time with her. Sophia quickly looked away, breaking eye contact, she walked to the bar.

"Two Coronas please," Sophia said to the bartender, sitting down on one of the bar stools. 

Having Brian here was just going to make everything so much more difficult. This was already hard enough as it is. Sophia felt someone brush against her shoulder. Based on the feeling she got when their skin came in contact, she knew it was Brian.

"Sorry to hear about Dwight," Brian spoke.

 Dwight ,one of the other drivers, had gotten arrested thanks to Brian, and could no longer work for Braga. So, Brian filled his place.

 "The night you get your house raided by the feds, you make the team. So unfortunate," Brian added with a mischievous smirk on his face. He sat himself in between the two Toretto siblings.

"I wonder who's to blame for that," Sophia said, smiling a sarcastic smile as she turned to face the two men beside her. Dom chuckled at her words.

It was difficult for him to be around Brian so Dom could only imagine what Sophia was feeling right now. He was well aware of how she felt about him, even if she didn't want to admit it. He could tell simply by the way that she looked at him. That's the way that Letty used to look at him.

Brian looked at Sophia for a moment. He wondered how he had managed to go so long without seeing her smile. He had missed her so much.

"I couldn't say I'm surprised to see you here," Dom told Brian.

 The bartender handed the two siblings their beers. Sophia smiled as a way of saying thank you. She picked it up and took a swig. 

"There's only one thing keeping me from telling Campos you're a cop." Brian turned his attention towards Dom.

"It's probably the same thing that's keeping me from telling him why you're really here," Brian countered, shooting Dom a look.

 Sophia shook her head. Dom picked his Corona up and took a drink. Across the room, Campos spotted his three drivers and practically ran to them, he was happy to see them.

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