48. cipher's business

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"We've got an army of cars driving themselves

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"We've got an army of cars driving themselves." The radio blares through the room as Mia looks up from the table and over to where Ramsey and Roman were monitoring the radios.

"Send backup! Send SWAT! I don't care if you send the goddamn boy scouts. Just send help!"

Mia got up from her chair and picked up one of the radios. Logan followed right behind as he put his hand on her lower back.

"Now, that's Dom." She spoke as she turned around to face everyone.

Logan quickly got into the Acura NSX as Mia got into the passenger seat while he turned the key, the engine roaring to life. Letty got into the Corvette, Roman in the Bentley GT BR9 Coupe, Tej and Ramsey got into the Mercedes Amgen GT.

They pulled out of the warehouse with Logan driving behind Roman and in front of Letty. The whole ride there, Mia was mentally preparing herself for what was to come. This wasn't police or drug dealers, this was her older brother.

Logan tightened his fingers around the wheel as he saw Dom's charger turn down the street before coming to a stop. They all sat around him and revved their engines as they blocked the street off. Deckard came up behind his car and blocked that exit off as well.

"Guys, I know why Dom's here." Ramsey's voice came over the radio. "Police scanners are saying he's stolen a nuclear football!"

Hobbs grabbed the speakerphone and spoke into it, his voice echoing outside of their cars loudly. "It's over, Toretto."

The only response they got was Dom revving his engine. "So, that's how you want to play this? Let's play."

Mia shook her head as she stared in front of her. Logan looked to Mia as he grabbed her hand to try to comfort her.

"Don't do this, Dom." She whispered.

Dom sped forward and Little Nobody left his post, leaving an opening for Dom. "He's going for it."

"What are you doing?" Letty questioned him.

"It's a trap." Hobbs said trying to stop Little Nobody

Dom squeezed past them, hitting the flower shop on the corner. Logan quickly spun the car around and chased after him. He weaved his way through traffic, keeping a sharp eye on Dom's car.

"Now I know what it feels like to be every cop ever chasing us." Tej said.

"I'm gonna get a little closer." Little Nobody informed. "I'm gonna pit him."

"Oh, so you just gonna pit Dom?" Roman asked him rhetorically. "Little Nobody has clearly lost his little mind."

Logan drifted around the corner effortlessly, quickly drifting around another as Little Nobody spoke into the radio once again. "I'm on him."

"Easy, work together!"Hobbs tried warning him.

Mia rose her eyebrows as Dom suddenly hit a few legs of a metal scaffolding, it starting to fall onto the road. As she saw Little Nobody get trapped under it, she had Logan make a hard left with Letty, Roman and Tej following behind them.

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