36. completely wrong thinking

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Sophia stood with her hand in Brian's, a sad expression on her face

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Sophia stood with her hand in Brian's, a sad expression on her face. Roman and Tej stood on either side of them as they attended Han's funeral. Sophia tried her best to be strong but every moment she was there just reminder her how she could lose her family in an instinct.

"How are you holding up Sophie?" Brian was concerned for his fiancé, he knows it's always hard for her to lose family.

"I'm okay, just trying to stay strong," Sophia admitted as Brian squeezed her hand, "How are you holding up?"

"I have a lot of emotions but I feel more anger than anything," Brian expressed as Sophia nodded her head as she understood what he meant.

"At least he is reunited with Gisele now," Sophia thought knowing how they both loved each other so much.

Brian kissed her head knowing he couldn't imagine living in a world without Sophia, she was his light in the darkness. Dom approached the casket and set the picture of Gisele in the frame that had Han's picture in it.

"They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die. But he put you in this grave so now I'll do the same to him." He spoke to Han's casket.

"I can't do no more funerals." Roman spoke as Dom walked away causing Brian and Sophia looked to him, Sophia sniffling as Tej spoke.

"First Han. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people. We're being hunted." Tei looked to the three. "You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?"

"I hope so." Brian nods as Sophia leaned into his side. "Means he's close."

"If he is close that means we can find him easier," Sophia explained.

Roman looked to him. "Just promise me, Brian... no more funerals."

"Just one more." Brian stated as he looked to Roman, "His."

Covert Operations Base, El Segundo, CA

Brian opened the car door as he got out, turning around to hold a hand out to Sophia helping her out of the car as well. The two looked around the operations base they had been moved to before turning to Roman and Tej as they got out of the other vehicle. Sophia glanced around, trying to locate her brother.

"This is crazy." Roman uttered as they looked around the base. "The hell is going on in here?"

The four walked over to where Dom was standing with a man in a suit and a man in a military outfit around a table. Sophia slid her hand in Brian's as they walked. Once they reached them, Dom was quick to pull his sister into his side.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked him quietly as she hugged him back.

Dom nodded. "Yeah. Are you?"

Sophia pulled away and nodded at him as she whispered. "We're okay."

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