38. not dressed like that

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The group was able to find a safe place to rest and take care of any injuries they just received as they wait for Ramsey to wake up

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The group was able to find a safe place to rest and take care of any injuries they just received as they wait for Ramsey to wake up. Not even a couple moments later Ramsey groaned from where they had placed her as she came to consciousness.

Letty glanced over at her before turning to the others. "Hello Kitty's awake."

Roman looked to Tej, "She don't look like a hacker to me."

"Oh, yeah? And what do hackers look like?" Tej questioned.

Roman glanced towards Ramsey, "They don't supposed to look like that. I'm just saying, like, you know how they normally wear them little weird glasses that's all crooked, pimples all over they face from drinking soda? I mean, trust me, with a body like that, ain't gonna park it behind a computer."

Brian sat down in front of Ramsey. "How you feeling?"

When he saw her clutching her head, he questioned her, "Did you hit your head?"

Ramsey simply nodded her head. Sophia wished she had brought her purse since she had a bottle of Advil in there that could help with the pain.

"Feeling nauseous? Ears ringing? No?" He asked when she shook her head.

Ramsey looked down and saw she had only one shoe on. "Where's my shoe?"

"Oh, it flew off when you crashed." Brian told her.

Sophia stood behind Brian as she looked down at the girl, "If you start experiencing any of those things, let us know, okay?"

"Okay," Ramsey nodded to her and Brian got back up.

Brian and Sophia  moved to the side where Letty was standing. Brian wrapped his arms around Sophia  and held her to his chest as Ramsey spoke.

"I don't know whether to thank you for rescuing me or kick your ass for throwing me off a cliff."

Letty chuckled as Dom turned around, "Thank us or kick our ass, huh? How 'bout you tell us where that device is?"

Ramsey sighed. "I mailed it to a friend in Abu Dhabi."

Brian raised his eyebrows, looking to Dom as he placed his chin on top of Sophia 's head,"That was pretty easy. That other team would have tortured you for that information."

"I didn't trust them," Ramsey said. "I trust you."

Letty shook her head, "Now, why would you trust us? You barely know us."

"I know enough," Ramsey shrugged before looking around at them, her eyes landing on Brian first. "Ex cop. Military, something like that. The way you took out them guys shows training."

She looked at Sophia,"The Sunshine. You are what help keep this group together, your their light. But people underestimate you, you can kick some serious ass."

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