44. gone rogue

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Berlin, Germany

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Berlin, Germany

"You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman." Letty said over the radio as they drove out of the building they had just blown up getting the EMP.

"That was a diversion!" Roman argued.

Logan turned his head behind the passenger seat seeing they now had a number of police on their tail as Mia drove faster.

"How many of the damn explosives did you use?" Tej asked.

"I don't know, Tej. All of it?"

Mia's eyes widened. "Wait, all of it?"

"Rome I don't think you were supposed to use all." Logan let out.

Hobb's voice soon overcame the radio. "Roman, Jesus Christ."

"We got more of your fan club ahead." Letty informed them.

Mia shifted up as she drifted around the corner, staying behind Letty.

"They're still on us." Logan informed them as he admired Mia who was focused on driving.

"These guys are taking it personal." Roman commented.

Mia shook her head. "Rome, we just blew up their facility."

"Plus, we stole their EMP." Logan added.

"Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get." Hobbs added.

"Phase two!" Dom ordered.

"Phase two?" Roman asked. "So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happened to phase one? What about that part?"

"Yeah, remember the airplane? Everyone drove their cars out but you?"Tej asked.

"I told you. My engine seized up." Roman bit back.

"Sure it did Roman," Logan told him.

"You weren't even there," Roman agrued.

"Soph and Brian told us." Mia admitted causing Tej to laugh.

Letty rolled her eyes as she spoke. "It's your balls that seized up."

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Tej rut in. "And Roman, whatever you do. Don't think."


Before anyone could question Tej, Dom spoke, "Tej, drop it."

"Bombs away."

"Split now!"

Mia turned her wheel to the side, moving to the other side of the road just as a massive wrecking ball flew past her car. Logan's eye grew widen as he saw it take out the police behind them.

"Great plan, Tej." Roman praised. "But just so you know, you missed some."

"Oh, just wait for it."

Mia shared a shocked look with Logan as the wrecking ball swung back. She also noticed the smiley face painted on the back as it flew past her car after taking Roman's side mirror off.

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