16. like old times

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Sophia stood in the middle of Dom and Brian, hands in the back pockets of her flared jeans

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Sophia stood in the middle of Dom and Brian, hands in the back pockets of her flared jeans. As they come up with a plan to figure out how to stop Barga, Brian called his work for help especially with Dom's freedom. 

"Well, the good news is, when we get this guy, you walk out of here a free man." Brian spoke to Dom.

Dom crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that what they told you?"

"Yeah, that's the deal."

Dom smirked at him. "You still put milk and cookies out for Santa Claus?"

Sophia rolled her eyes nudging her brother with her arm. "Dom, don't be mean. He is trying to help."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dom shrugged at her. "I'm just talking with your boyfriend."

Sophia glared at him, her cheeks taking a shade of red. She avoided looking to Brian as Braga's crew drove in. Brain held something out to Dom, Sophia seeing it was a car key.

 "Here. In case things go shitty."

"Just like old times?" Dom took the key.


Sophia shifted on her feet as Fenix walked towards them, gun in his hand. The brunette subconsciously stepped closer to Brian as Fenix approached them.

"You forgot something mijo. That's what you wanted, right?" Campos quickly intervened, stopping Fenix.

 "Dom." Sophia warned as her brother stepped closer.

Campos walked towards them, smiling. "He's harmless. Don't worry about him. And he's really sorry about Letty." 

Sophia tensed at his words, Brian discretely grabbed her hand, "Where's our stuff?"

Brian tapped Sophia's hand with his thumb and the brunette walked over to the containers and opened one of them. 

"You mean the stuff that used to be in here right?" She questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, you'll see it when we see Braga. That was the deal." Brian added as Sophia shut the case and walked back over to him.

Campos smirked at them, "No worries. Braga keeps his word."

He turned and made a hand motion, a car door opening. Sophia's eyebrows furrowed as an older Mexican man stepped out, walking towards them. Everything about the man commanded respect, but Sophia felt like something was wrong. Maybe it was the pale salmon tie he was wearing or the fact he looked like the sweetest old man.

The man, Braga, stopped in front of the three and dropped a duffel bag at their feet. "Two million. You get the rest when I get my property."

"I got a question for you." Brian spoke, sharing a quick glance with Sophia, "You wearing pink when you were clawing your way out of el barrio?"

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