35. no more jobs

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Sophia leaned against the doorframe as Jack moved his toy car around on top of the box that was left on the front porch

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Sophia leaned against the doorframe as Jack moved his toy car around on top of the box that was left on the front porch. She glanced down to her hand, staring at the new diamond ring on her left hand. She smiled as Brian picked him up, Jack's backpack slung over his arm.

"Alright, buddy, we gotta go. We're late. Come on." Brian said as he picked him up.

Sophia moved forward and kissed the top of Jack's head. "Bye, honey."

"Bye, mama." Jack waved at her as Brian carried him down the steps towards the car.

Sophia looked at the box and called over her shoulder. "Dom, you have a package out here. From Tokyo."

"Tokyo?" Dom questioned as he walked out the house, Mia behind him.

"What, is Han trying to convert me over to a turbocharger?"

Mia smiled as the three watched Brian strap Jack into his car seat, "Brian in a minivan. Things have changed."

The three made their way down the steps. "He's struggling, Mia. He doesn't want me to see it, but the white picket fence is like an anchor on him. I can tell." She messed with her necklace as she pushed her hair over her shoulder.

"I tried to talk to him the other night. You know what he said? He doesn't miss the girls, he doesn't miss the cars, he misses the bullets."

Dom gave her a reassuring smile. "Let him settle in. Give him time."

Sophia glanced between her two siblings with a smile growing on her lips. "How does nine months sound?" She questioned, both whirling their heads to look at her. "I'm having another baby."

Mia almost squealed as she wrapped her arms around her younger sister, Sophia squeezing her back.

Dom placed his hand on her arm as he smiled, coming to the realization. "And you didn't tell him, did you?"

Sophia frowned and shook her head as she turned to glance over at her fiancé. "You gotta tell him."

"I don't want him to be disappointed with his life." Sophia let out, "With me." She added quietly as Mia grabbed her hand.

Dom turned her back around to face him. "He will never be disappointed with you." He said sternly.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to him." Mia added as she nudged her sister's side gently.

Sophia smiled as she looked between the two and wrapped her arms around the both of them tightly. "Thank you. I love you both."

She pulled away and started heading down the steps to walk over to the car to say one last goodbye with Mia trailing behind her as she noticed Logan pull up to the house after dropping their daughter off at his Mom's place.

Dom's phone rang and he answered it. "Yeah?"

"Dominic Toretto. You don't know me. You're about to."

Dom lowered his phone before glancing back over to the box sitting on the porch. He turned to his family.

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