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"I can't believe they stole a seventy ton tank for a three ounce computer chip

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"I can't believe they stole a seventy ton tank for a three ounce computer chip." The military man, Oakes, uttered as they stared at the little case with the chip in it.

Hobbs gave him a look. "That three ounce computer chip is more deadly than one thousand of those tanks."

Oakes looked away and towards where Letty was sat. "What about her?"

"'Not her." Dom stated as Sophia left Brian's side to stand in front of Letty protectively.

Oakes looked between the two. "She was working with Shaw.'

"Was." Sophia nodded as everyone came to stand in front of Letty.

"She's always been one of us."

Hobbs looked towards Oakes. "Let's give them a minute." He advised before nodding for Riley to join the two as they walked out of the room.

Dom walked away and Sophia looked to Brian before going after her brother, having a few things to say to him about what had happened Letty watched them go and stood up to follow, but Brian stepped in front of her.

"Hey." He whispered and everyone backed away, knowing the two had a lot to talk about. "Look, I don't even know how to say this to you." Letty waited patiently for him to continue. "Everything that's happened here is because of me. I'm the one that put you undercover."

"Stop." Letty cut him off with a small smile. "I may not remember anything, but I know one thing about myself. Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to." She told him and Brian nodded before she walked off towards the two Toretto's.

Sophia cut off her lecture to her older brother as she saw Letty walking over to them. The brunette looked between the two and gave Letty a smile.

"I'll leave you two to it." She said as she nudged her brother in the ribs.

Sophia meant up with Brian as he immediately grabbed her hand. He inspected her making sure she wasn't badly injured as Sophia was doing the same.

"Hey, I'm go call Mia, I'll be right back." Sophia told Brian as she let go of his hand.

"Okay. Tell Mia we should be home soon and that we love them." Brian asked as he watched Sophia pull out her phone.

"I will." She agreed.

She quickly kissed his cheek before walking off behind Riley and Hobbs and headed towards a different room. It took a few rings before Mia answered the call, Sophia could hear Jack in the background playing with Logan.

"Hi, Soph. Is everything okay? Did you get Letty..."

"Hi to you too," Sophia could hear Mia laugh, "Yes everything worked out. Letty is here safe and we have Shaw in custody."

"That's amazing. Does that mean you all are coming home?" Mia wondered.

"Not only coming home but we get to go back home to Los Angeles." Sophia told her older sister as she smiled ready to finally be home again.

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