39. cars don't fly

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 Sophia stood with Brian and Dom, her hands running down the sides of the formal dress she wore

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Sophia stood with Brian and Dom, her hands running down the sides of the formal dress she wore. It was a forest green satin dress with a slit going up her right leg. Her hair was curled as she had a few pieces behind her ear so her hair wasn't in her face. It felt nice to be all dolled up like this, last time was her senior prom.

Brian's arm was wrapped around her waist, his hand resting on her lower back as he drank the champagne provided while Sophia refused it. Sophia was glad Brian was obviously about her pregnancy cause she wanted to be the one to tell him.

"No, no, no, no. Listen, man, they telling me they party like this every day," Roman said over their comms,"On this level, they party every day. This is crazy. I might have to move out here. I think I'm gonna start a new culture. It's called 'Blairab. You know, like black Arab?"

Everyone ignored him. Sophia couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his antics. Ramsey was right about him being the joker of the group but he'll do anything for his team, his family.

"How we looking, Tej?" Dom questioned.

"We're almost in position." Tej responded. "Okay, so this is how it works. We gotta move in sync if we're gonna pull this off, so let's go over it to make sure everyone clearly understands their roles."

Sophia shook her head gently, "Roman, that means you need to pay attention."

"You know what? You're being real unprofessional right now, Soph," Roman retorted.

"I was being nice. You're lucky I didn't say anything mean, Joker." Sophia let out causing everyone to let out small laughs.

Tej continued. "The God's Eye chip is hidden in a speed drive installed in the prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room vault."

"Now, I make eight to ten plainclothes security," Brian informed as he kept Sophia closed to him.

"Not to mention the prince and his personal bodyguards." Dom added.

Brian turned to face the bar, Sophia turning with him. She noticed how the cameras were placed to one spot in the room.

"Security cameras are clustered by the north wall," She informed the two, "That's where the vault is."

"Now, to get in that vault, we gotta tap into the security system, which can be accessed in the prince's bedroom," Tej said.

Letty down her champagne as she left, "Alright, guys, I'm going in."

"Now once we're tapped in, Ramsey and I can hack into the network and pop the door so you can get in and get that shit."

Roman quickly cut in, "Wait, wait, wait, wait. You missed a step. What about my step? What am I supposed to be doing?"

"No, we didn't miss anything," Tej said. "You're special teams. So when we need you, do what you do best."

Ramsey looked over at him, "And that is?"

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