24. team just got burnt

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"Got it

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"Got it." Sophia muttered as she stood in front of the laptop a long side Mia and Logan who were reading files about Reyes. 

"We got it!" She shared a smile as everyone else walked over to them. Brian wrapped an arm around Sophia's waist as he stood beside her.

"Yeah, we're looking at four cameras." He said as he looked at the screen.

"Yo, that's some high-end shit, too." Han nodded. "Marker optics. Hundred-degree field of view. Ten seconds oscillation."

Brian rose his eyebrows and agreed with him. "Yeah, that's a narrow window, man."

"Can't we just tap in and replace the image?" Gisele suggested.

Tej shook his head. "Nah, it's hooked into a digital sync. They would know we were in the system. The best we can do is peek."

"We're gonna need some real fast cars to get through this." Roman spoke.

"Not just fast." Han commented. "You got a hard right and a hairpin. We're going to need something agile."

Dom looked over at the team. "You guys mock up a track. O'Conner. Let's go get some cars."

A grin formed on Brian's lips. "Nice." He whispered cheerfully, kissing Sophia's cheek quickly before following after Dom.

It didn't take all that long for the team to mock up a track. They all sat around a table and started to play card games. Rico and Tego sat together bickering back and forth in Spanish, Sophia occasionally giving her own input into the conversation. 

"Damn it!" Roman groaned as Sophia won her third game in a row of poker.

Sophia laughed at him. "What can I say? I'm simply the best."

"Really?" Roman laughed really hard as Brian pulled in behind Dom in a blue Porsche. Sophia couldn't help but chuckle at his choice of car.

"Where'd you get that from? Papa Smurf?" Roman teased as the two got out of their cars.

"Okay, O'Conner, give it your best shot." Dom called over the radio to Brian who waiting at the start of the mock track in the bright blue car.

Sophia smiled as she watched Brian go through the track and after a few minutes he pulled up in front of them and got out of the car. 

"How was that one?" Brian asked.

"Camera caught you." Sophia told him as she gave a semi-smile.

"What?" Brian said in disbelief.

"Yeah, it still caught you." Han said.

Brian walked towards them frustrated. "Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing, too."

"We're gonna need a faster car." Dom looked to him.

Few Days Later

Over the past few days they had been doing different tests with the different cars. Barely anyone had passed without getting caught by one of the cameras. Sophia watched with an excited grin as Gisele got into the car. They watched as Gisele flawlessly drift through the track.

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