34. family barbecues

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Sophia bounced Jack on her hip as she walked out of the Toretto household, with Roman behind her as he carried the plate of meat for Tej to cook

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Sophia bounced Jack on her hip as she walked out of the Toretto household, with Roman behind her as he carried the plate of meat for Tej to cook.

Jack had one hand wrapped in Sophia's hair as he babbled. Sophia smiled down at her son and cooed at him as she walked to Brian's side.

"Don't burn it this time. Please?" Roman asked Tej.

Brian took Jack from Sophia's arms and held him in his arms to show him the house as Mia and Logan took a seat beside Han on the steps.

"I never go and burn it, man," Tej replied, almost insulted.

Jack's eyes were situated on the food being cooked as Brian and Sophia walked past it and towards the garage.

"Good food." Brian told Jack, "The air quality here is lousy, the traffic is bad, but uh, I think you'll learn to like this place." Sophia smiled down at Jack as they stopped in front of the garage.

"Yeah, and here you've got your own garage so you can build a car with Daddy." She added as she moved in front and tapped her fingers against Jack's stomach.

"We'll be building a car?" Brian looked down at his son.

"First car better be a Charger, Jack." Dom called from where he stood with Letty.

Sophia laughed at the look on Brian's face as he looked over to Dom, "You mean Skyline."

Letty laughed as well. "Like I said, he's a Toretto." Dom pointed out.

"You're confused the kid." Brian said even though Jack was more fascinated with tangling his fingers in his mom's hair.

Dom held Letty's hand in his as they walked towards the two. "Soph, you're gonna let him get away with this?"

Sophia gave her brother a look. "Hey, don't bring me into this. Besides Jack still has a couple years to figure it out."

Roman looked up from the barbecue towards where Hobbs was walking up the driveway, followed by Elena.

"Hey, Soph, you better hide your baby oil." He called out jokingly. He held a hand up at Hobbs. "I'm just playing."

Hobbs didn't miss a beat as he replied. "You better hide that big ass forehead."

Tej spat out his drink as he laughed, Mia, Logan and Han laughing as well as Roman took major offence to that.

"I was just joking, but, whatever."

Hobbs stopped in front of the four at the garage. "It's official." He spoke as Brian wrapped one arm around Sophia , the other still holding his son. "You're all free. It was half bad, having you work for me."

Dom laughed. "Now we all know you were working for me, Hobbs."

"Agree to disagree." Brian chuckled before nodding to Hobbs. "Thank you."

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