14. yo boss man

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"I can't believe I was right," Sophia was telling her sister as she was walking to the laundry room

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"I can't believe I was right," Sophia was telling her sister as she was walking to the laundry room. 

"No need for I told you so," Mia was panicking while doing her hair, "Logan's going to be here any minute." 

"Mia, slow down and take a breath," Sophia was telling her older sister as she walked up to her, "You look beautiful." 

"Thank you, Soph," Mia hugging her sister, "I love you."

"I love you as well," Sophia looked at her older sister, "If he breaks your heart I'll break him." 

"I know you will." Mia kissed her younger sister's cheek as she was grabbing her jacket and purse. 

A knock was heard causing Sophia to run to the door. Opening was the one and only Logan, Sophia knew her sister liked him since the first day he walked into her history class. 

"You must be Logan,"Sophia reached her hand out to shake Logans, " I'm Sophia, Mia's younger sister."

"Hi, nice to meet you Sophia," Logan shaking her hand. Mia walked up to them after she was panicking to herself. 

"Hi, sorry I was just getting my things," Mia was rambling, "Are we all set?" 

"Yea- oh these are for you," Logan stated giving Mia bouquet of Lilies, Mia's favorite flowers. 

"Aww, my favorite." Mia was in awe, leaving her and Logan to smile goofy at each other. 

 "Well, you two have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Sophia interrupted their stare pushing her older sister out the door with her date,

An hour later

Sophia had just finished grabbing a load of clothes from the dryer when she heard an annoying beeping sound. Furrowing her brows, she set the basket of clothes down on the couch and began searching for the source of the noise. She spotted the GPS that Campos had given her. Each driver had one. 

Whenever it went off, the drivers needed to stop what they were doing and go where it tells them to, regardless of the time and place. She picked it up off of her kitchen table. On the small screen it said 'Downloading Correct Coordinates'. Quickly, Sophia grabbed her keys and a jacket. She exited her home and got into her car. 

The GPS had finally finished downloading and the route was now on the screen. Putting the car in drive, Sophia drove off, following the directions. It led her to a large warehouse that almost looked abandoned. She felt nervous. What if Dom isn't here? What if this is some type of set up or something? 

She swallowed hard. She had been parked outside of the warehouse for a minute now, too nervous to go inside. A man walked outside and pressed a button, a large garage door opening. He motioned for her to come this way. She nodded at him and slowly drove towards the garage door.

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