30. promises

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"Have you thought about what we're going to do when we are able to go back home

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"Have you thought about what we're going to do when we are able to go back home." Sophia let out to Brian as they waited for the rest of the team to come back. 

"Yea I have thought about it," Brian admitted as he explained, " We can look for jobs but I don't think we'll need to since we still have money saved. I can see Jack going to a public school near the house were he'll work on a skyline with me." 

"I thought you weren't pushing imports," Sophia shook her head as Brian just let out a chuckled. 

"I even thought about us having another kid, " Brian grabbed Sophia by her waist so their foreheads were rested on each others," As well as hopefully you getting my last name." 

A large smile spread across Sophia's face as Brian continued, "I have thought long and hard about our future together and I can't imagine life without you." 

"Brian, I really need to this plan to work," Brian kissed Sophia showing how he was deeply in love with her.

 As they broke apart for a second, Sophia watched as a smile stretched across Brian face. Causing Sophia to kiss him back again as his fingers gently slid down the side into her hands. 

Sophia and Brian broke apart again when they heard the sound of the engine roaring of one of the cars Tej and Hobbs had brought back. The smiles quickly left their face when Riley, Roman, Han and Gisele walked in looking beaten down.

 "What the hell happened?" Brian asked them.

"We met Dom's girlfriend." Riley said. "She's lovely.

Hobbs looked at the bruises on her face as she walked over to him. "You all right?"

"Yeah," Riley nodded.

Hobbs turned to face the others. "Tej, what have you got? Footage, CCTV? Talk to me."

Dom got out of the car to listen in as Tej replied. "I just went through all of it. Believe it or not, everywhere Shaw's team is, the cameras are down."

"That's a hell of a coincidence." Hobbs noted and looked down at Riley, "All right, we're going to pay CCTV a little visit. Let's roll."

The two left as Tej walked up to Han, who had some sort of weapon, "What is that?"

"That is a new toy for you." Han told him.

"So, what happened?" Dom questioned them.

Han turned around to face them. "Shaw's goons showed up and started shooting up the place."

Gisele walked over to them. "But we've got something big."

"Something Big?" Sophia raised her eyebrow at Gisele's statement, "What do you mean?"

She held up the phone in her hand. "Braga." 

Dom, Brian and Sophia all glanced to each other as they stood up straighter. "He's working with Shaw." She threw the phone down on the table.

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