22. eleven heists

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Dom had broken into an empty apartment for them as the five quickly had something to eat and drink before Dom and Brian went to stand on the balcony

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Dom had broken into an empty apartment for them as the five quickly had something to eat and drink before Dom and Brian went to stand on the balcony. Mia and Logan had left to their own room to head to bed early. Sophia sat down on an armchair slowly falling asleep to the conversation Brian and Dom were having outside. 

 "Hey, Dom, what do you remember about your father?" Sophia's eyebrows lifted as Brian asked that, but she didn't open her eyes as her brother replied to him.

"My father," He started. "He used to - he used to have a barbecue ever Sunday after church. For anybody in the neighborhood. If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue. Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night, he was at the kitchen table with Sophia and Mia, helping them with their homework. Even after they went to sleep, he'd stay up for a few more hours so he could learn the next chapter and help them the next day. I remember everything about my father." Dom continued as Sophia snuggled more into the armchair pulling Brian's jacket more closer to her. "Everything."

Sophia frowned as Brian replied. "That's just it. I don't remember shit about my dad. I don't remember him yelling. I don't remember him smiling. To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like. I don't remember. He just - he was just never there."

"You ain't going to be like that, Brian." Dom assured him.

Brian turned his head and looked at Sophia, gazing longingly at her. Brian couldn't help but think it was his fault that she doesn't have the life she deserves. Dom followed his gaze and stared at his sister.

 "We can't keep running, Dom." Brian said seriously. "We gotta get out. We gotta get out now."

"You're right." Dom nodded in agreement, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the small computer chip from the car. "Here's how we're going to do it. We're going to use this. We're going to do one last job. We're going to take all of Reyes' money. Every dime of it, and disappear. Forever."

"New passports. New lives with no more looking over our shoulder. And we're just going to buy our freedom." Brian added.

"That's right."

Brian looked away from Sophia and back to Dom. "You realise we're talking about going up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio?"

"Yes, we are." Dom smirked.

"Then we're going to need a team."

After finishing their conversation Brian walked into the room and over to where Sophia sat.  Brian bent down and picked Sophia up. Sophia opened her eyes slightly as she smiled up at him, snuggling closer to him.

Brian laid Sophia down gently on the bed they were sharing hoping to not wake her up. As he laid down next to her, Sophia immediately put her head on his chest. Brian kissed down on her forehead and just kept his gaze on her. He couldn't help but think again about how different her life could've been. 

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