25. salute, mi familia

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"Close, but not enough

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"Close, but not enough." Gisele informed Han after he got out of the car after testing it out.

Han nodded and turned to Dom. "Dom, the window is too small, man. The only way we're going to beat the cameras is with invisible cars."

Dom smirked at him. "And I know just where to get them. Let's take a ride, boys."

Sophia turned to Brian as he squeezed her hips and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before he left with the others, Gisele going with them to drop them off.

While the guys were out, Mia, Gisele and Sophia spent time getting to know each other more and just having girl talk before they all returned.

"We should have a barbecue before we pull off this big heist," Mia suggested to the girls as they were all sitting on the couches.

"Oh my god, yes like old times. We can even get pan dolce," Sophia was explaining as she got excited.

"Maybe we can even watch a movie. Han and I found some in a box," Gisele added as the girls shook their heads in agreement.

"A movie can definitely help the team with their nerves," Sophia told the girls as she played with her necklace around her neck.

"Wait you and Han?" Mia questioned as she raised her eyebrow at Gisele

"Yes-s, we were looking around the place," She admitted as her cheeks slowly turned red.

"Now Mia we all know you and Logan have been nothing but smitten with each other, " Sophia let out as Mia turned hot red causing them to all laugh

The girls got lost in their conversations, each talking about relationships and old memories. As well as hopes for what they will do once this is all over. It was a few hours later as the boys pulled up in police cars.

"Good race, O'Conner. Dom complimented him as they returned with their police cars.

Sophia raised her eyebrows in surprise as she started to walk over towards them, her hands on her hips.

"Thanks, Dom." Brian replied as Dom walked off.

Sophia looked towards her brother and tilted her head, Dom smirking at her. Sophia only rolled her eyes before turning to face her boyfriend.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit?" Brian and Roman did their bro shake in excitement.

Han looked at Roman before glancing at Sophia. "Told you he didn't see it."

The smile on Roman's face dropped as he motioned toward where Dom was standing. "Your man right there? He let off the throttle at the line. You didn't do nothing. He let you win."

"Bullshit." Brian called his bluff as Roman and Han walked off. He turned to face Sophia who smiled at him.

"That's bullshit right, Sophie? Dom wouldn't - he wouldn't let me win, right?"

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