45. great ideas

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Mia stared down at the table in front of her feeling frustrated

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Mia stared down at the table in front of her feeling frustrated. She was confused, angry and hurt by everything that had happened. She was also feeling nauseous and emotional because of the pregnancy.

Logan looked towards Mia as his gaze soften noticing how upset she looked. He wished he knew how to help her with the situation at hand. He was confused on why Dom would betray his family. Logan knew something was off about the whole situation.

Mia couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened. She knew her brother better than most people and she knew he would never willingly turn his back on his family, he wouldn't do any of this without having a perfectly good reason.

The brunette was pulled out of her thoughts by the door opening. Logan and her glanced up only to see Mr. Nobody and Hobbs entering the room.

"Hey, listen guys. Thanks..." He cut himself off as he saw that they were all wearing handcuffs. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What? Handcuffs? What is this?"

Mia watched as Letty was working on unlocking her cuffs, as Logan was doing the same to his.

"It's called abuse of power." Roman replied.

The guy that worked for Mr. Nobody, who was obviously new, spoke up. "You told me to round them up."

"I didn't tell you to handcuff, cut em loose. Oh, man. This is embarrassing." Mr. Nobody said. "I'm sorry guys, really."

Letty pulled off her handcuffs and placed them on the table, Logan soon following her. Mia looked over to him as Hobbs sat across from her. She gave Hobbs a semi-smile as he nodded he head at her.

Letty scoffed at Mr. Nobody. "So, this is how you treat old friends?"

"Friends?" Tej scoffed. "We don't even really know who the hell this guy is."

"Doesn't matter who I am, Tej." Mr. Nobody shook his head. "I'm like, nobody, okay?"

"Nobody." Tej stated before motioning towards the man who had handcuffed them with his head. "So, then, who's he?"

Mr. Nobody shook his head. "Him? He's nothing. He's, like, less than me."

Roman glanced around the table. "Clearly we're getting nowhere with nobody. I've been in here for four hours, and my ribs are showing. I don't know about y'all, but l'm out." Roman stood up.

"I wouldn't recommend that." Little Nobody spoke.

Roman turned back around. "What?"

Mr. Nobody intervened. "Well, thanks to your botched Berlin job, you all made Interpol's top ten most wanted list."

Roman smirked. "Top ten?"


"That's all right." Roman nodded.

Mr. Nobody looked to him. "Well, not you, Roman."

"What do you mean? "

Mr. Nobody shrugged. "You just missed the cut. You're number eleven, so..."

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