15. a ten second car

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Sophia lost track of how long they drove around for

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Sophia lost track of how long they drove around for. When the vehicle came to a halt, Sophia quickly sat up in her seat. Brian parked the Hummer underneath an overpass bridge, giving them some cover and time to figure things out. 

The trio exited the car. Dom walked over to the trunk while Brian walked away from the car. He pulled his phone out and dialed his boss's number. He took a deep breath before pressing the call button. Sophia leaned against the side of the car, her arms folded over her chest.

She could hear Brian quietly talking to someone on the phone. She tried to listen in on what they were saying but she couldn't hear much. Sophia looked down at her feet out of boredom. She was getting tired of standing around waiting while they tried to come up with something.

She froze when she spotted a small trail of blood leading to the back of the Hummer. Her eyes widened and she quickly looked over at Brian, wanting to see if he was the one bleeding. Her eyes wandered over his body. It wasn't him.

At first, Brian was confused, but when he saw Sophia practically run to Dom, he knew something was wrong. He spotted the blood trail and immediately hung up the phone, not caring that he was going to be in so much trouble for that. He was already in trouble, a little bit more wasn't going to do anything. Dom was simply standing there, staring at the contents of the Hummer. It was a shit ton of drugs.

"So this is what sixty million dollars looks like," Dom said nonchalantly, glancing over at the two. 

Sophia got close to Dom and started inspecting him for wounds. Sophia walked around him as she looked at his back since his front side was clean. She gasped when she saw a bullet hole in his jacket. Blood was slowly dripping down from it and onto the concrete beneath him.

"Dom! You got shot! Why didn't you tell me about this sooner, you idiot?" Sophia demanded, turning him to face her. She smacked his arm and frowned at him as Dom just  shrugged.

"We gotta get you to a doctor, man," Brian told him, taking a small step forward. Sophia glanced back at him, shaking her head.

"No, no doctors. That's too dangerous, he could get caught. Maybe I can fix you up but Mia may be the best option even though we shouldn't get her involve," Sophia explained as Dom nodded.

"We gotta find somewhere to hide this first," Dom said, nodding towards the Hummer. Sophia huffed in annoyance. They needed to look at that wound as soon as possible.

"I got a spot."

The three of them got back into the Hummer. Brian drove them to a police impound lot. Sophia raised an eyebrow as they pulled up. Dom glanced back at his sister, who shared the same concerned look he did.

The car stopped at the entrance and a police officer walked up to the car. Brian flashed his badge at the man.

"Five-oh-two wet reckless, I need a twenty-four hour hold," Brian said.

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