4. the buster

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The three of them walked for about 6 miles before they spotted a taxi

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The three of them walked for about 6 miles before they spotted a taxi. A sense of relief washed over Sophia as her feet were aching and there was no doubt they'd be sore come tomorrow.

They pulled up to the house no longer than fifteen minutes later. Before Sophia and Dom had a chance to pitch in what little money they had, Brian had already paid in full. 

"Keep the change." He told the driver, patting the roof of the car before it drove away.

The house rattled as the music blasted from inside, catching both Sophia and Dom's attention. She knew the crew was about to get an ear full, but she was also to exhausted to care.

"Take care." Brian muttered, before turning his back.

As her brother stalked towards the house she couldn't help but scold him for his lack of manners. Here he was about to walk into their house without offering Brian so much as a ride home or even a thank you for that matter.

"Dominic!" She snapped quietly, smacking her brother upside the head.

"What?" He hissed, turning his head and glaring at her.

He rubbed the burning spot on his head, looking at her cluelessly. She gave him a pointed look, motioning to the blonde man who's back was facing them.

He looked to his sister, then to Brian, letting out a defeated sigh. "Yo, Spilner." He called out, catching the mans attention. "You want a beer?"

Brian looked to Sophia, unsure if he should take up on the offer. She gave him a reassuring smile and softly nodded her head. 

"Yeah, sure." He answered, turning and make his way back toward the house.

Dom was the first to walk in, followed by Sophia and Brian. The first thing the young girl realized was the lack of alarm in her group of friends. Her and her brother had to of been missing for hours, and yet here was their crew, lavishing themselves with a party.

She rolled her eyes at the sound of Vince playing the same three cords on his guitar, it was a tactic he used to impress a girl. She should know, he's tried using it on her one to many times. 

Letty glanced towards the door, her eyes locking with Sophia's. A relieved expression automatically settled on Letty's face as she quickly got to her feet and made her way towards the youngest Toretto as Dom marched towards Vince. Letty wrapped her arms around Sophia who hugged her back just as tight. Her eyes darted to Leon, who was seated in the recliner behind the dark haired Latina, a blonde placed in his lap.

She could tell by the way her brother stood in the doorway that he was not happy with the current state of their crew. If she was being 100% honest she wasn't very happy either, this was supposed to be her family and right about now it seemed like that meant nothing to them.

"Yo, Dom." Leon said as soon as he realized the bulky man, storming in his direction. 

"Hey, man. We were just about to go looking for you, brother." He said, stammering over his words, though he was quickly cut off when Dom angrily smacked the beer bottle out of his hand.

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