6. date night

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Sophia smoothed her hair down, adjusting the black cardigan shrug she wore with her white floral dress

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Sophia smoothed her hair down, adjusting the black cardigan shrug she wore with her white floral dress. The short brunette stood a few inches taller as she slid into a pair of heels Mia had forced her into. Her makeup was done flawlessly, even though she hardly ever wore makeup, she was really good at it. Her attention darted to the door as it opened, Mia peeking her head in and smiled brightly at her younger sister.

"Oh my gosh, you look amazing!" Mia complemented as she hugged her sister tightly. "Brian's gonna be drooling all over you."

"Mia!" Sophia exclaimed, eyes wide.

"I'm just saying." Mia shrugged, raising her arms up in defence. "Just in case." She pulled something out of her pocket and threw it to her sister.

Sophia caught it and looked down only to find it was a condom. "What the hell Mia!"

"What? I want to make sure you're safe if you're gonna do anything. Thats what older sister do." 

"So, do you have this because you and what's his name, Logan have late night "studying"." Mia slapped her younger sister in the arm causing Sophia to laugh more then she already was. 

Before Mia could even reply due to the door to their bedroom opened and Sophia quickly shoved the condom into her bag as it revealed their brother standing there. Mia hugged her sister one last time before leaving the room.

 "Hey, Dom."

"You look gorgeous, Soph." Dom smiled gently. "You look so much like mom."

Sophia gave him a weak smile in return, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear.

 "Thank you." She said softly. Talking about their parents was never an easy subject for them to talk about.

"I just wanted to come see you off before your date." Dom revealed 

Sophia walked up to him. Dom wrapped his arms around his little sister as she tightened her arms around him.

 A fond smile was on both of their faces as Dom spoke. "If he breaks your heart, I'll break his face."

"I know you will."Sophia smirked as a laugh left her lips.

Mia ran into the room, a grin on her lips. "He's here! It's time to go. Get your ass down there!"

Sophia smiled at her older sister, before wishing them both a goodbye as she walked down the stairs, passing Letty on the way. The brunette leaned her head down and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she watched tv.

She stumbled out of the door but was caught by a pair of strong arms.

She looked up only to be met with those striking blue eyes once more.


Brian grinned down at her, she was stunning. His smile only grew at her flustered state as she realized what had just had happened. She nervously tucked her hair behind her ear,

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