42. i love you forever

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Sophia let out a deep breath as her eyes trailed over her figure in the floor length mirror, her hands trailing down to her growing belly as her hands rested on top

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Sophia let out a deep breath as her eyes trailed over her figure in the floor length mirror, her hands trailing down to her growing belly as her hands rested on top. Her dress was flor length with a fluffy skirt that had a layer of lace fabric with flowers on it.

She watched in the mirror as her older sister placed her veil in her hair for her, smiling brightly. Sophia's lips turned upwards in a soft smile, trying her hardest not to cry as Mia already had tears in her eyes.

"Okay, it's time." Mia whispered as she held her younger sister's shoulders, "You ready Soph?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Sophia rubbed her belly.

The two turned towards the door and slowly walked towards it, Sophia trying not to trip over her dress. Mia linked her arm with Sophia's as she sniffled.

"I can't believe you're getting married." Mia admitted as smiled at her younger sister.

Sophia gave her a smile, "I know"

"You look gorgeous Soph," Mia kissed her sister cheek, "Look just like Mom."

"Thanks Mia, I love you." Sophia told her as she could feel tears well up in her eyes.

"Love you Soph so much." Mia stated as she walked out to the ceremony to check on things.

Sophia always wanted her wedding to be with the people she loves so having it in her childhood backyard she couldn't be more happier. It was an intimate wedding, their family which included the crew and some family members they haven't seen in a while. Roman and Tej hung fairy lights around the backyard with the help of Letty. The isle chairs had different flower bouquets decorated on them. At the end of the isle was an arch that was decorated with vines and marigold and carnations.

On the other side of the backyard more fairy lights were put up. Round tables for the guest could sit surrounded around the middle of the dance floor. Tej offered to be dj which they were hesitant at first but allowed it as long as Ramsey supervised. Brian stood at the end of the aisle, trying his hardest not to show how nervous he was.

Finally, the priest aka, Logan, came out and asked everyone to stand. Jack had insisted he be the ring boy as he walked out in front. Jessie, Logan and Mia's daughter, was lining the path with marigold pedals behind them as Mia began to walk out as the music started playing.

Sophia had only taken a couple of steps out before she was greeted by her brother. He escorted her down the aisle, which seemed much longer than before. He became her strength, without him she would definitely fall. She watched as passed familiar faces of her abuelita to friends from Miami, Tokyo and Rio. 

"Are you okay?" Dom asked her quietly as Sophia's hand tightened around his arm.

"Just don't let me fall." She whispered back and he nodded with a chuckle.

All eyes were on her. The guests took pictures, waved at her, smiled. Roman and Tej both having tears in their eyes as Sophia waved at them. Up ahead, she saw him. Her future husband, the love of her life, the father of her children, her everything. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on her.

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