3. business deal went sour

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Dominic stopped in his tracks and looked inside the car as Sophia leaned her head in between the seats, letting him see her

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Dominic stopped in his tracks and looked inside the car as Sophia leaned her head in between the seats, letting him see her. Relief washed over his face when he caught sight of his younger sister in the car. He quickly opened the car door and jumped inside, Brian not wasting another second as he swerved around the corner, narrowly missing an approaching car. 

"What are you doing here?"

Sophia looked towards her brother as he grabbed hold of her hand. "I was too busy making sure Mia got out of there okay to find a ride of my own. Brian got me out."

"That true?" Dom looked back to Brian.

Brian nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "She needed help."

The brunette looked out the windscreen, only to see two incoming cop cars heading straight for them. Brian smoothly slid between the two cars with ease, barely even touching them. Sophia furrowed her eyebrows at this, Brian speeding over a hill, the Mitsubishi Eclipse becoming airborne for a short second before it hit the ground roughly.

"You're the last person I expected to show up." Dom admitted, breaking the silence.

Her brother was right, Brian had no reason to help them. Dom had almost gotten him fired from his job, beat him in a race were he took his car and then basically humiliated him.

Brian looked to the oldest Toretto. "Yeah, well, I thought if I got in your good graces, you might let me keep my car."

"You're already in my good graces, but you ain't keeping your car."

Sophia bit back her smile at her brother's response. The car was silent for a while before he continued. 

"You drive like you've done this before. What are you? A wheelman?"

 "Dom." She warned, knowing full well where this was going.

Brian looked at her through the rear view mirror, catching the look of discomfort and disapproval on her face. 

"Naw." He answered truthfully, looking back to the road.

Sophia raised her eyebrows at this even though she was mad at her brother for judging but there was no way in hell he could have gotten into racing without some kind of connection.

"You ever boost cars?" Dom pushed even more.  

The once look of disapproval and discomfort on Sophia's face morphed into anger. She sometimes forgot how ballsey her brother could be.

"Dominic!" She shouted, reaching forward and slapping him on his bicep. He turned and glared at her, only to find she was already glaring at him.

Brian sat in silence, debating his answer. "Naw, never." He lied.

Dom turned his attention from his sister to the blonde next to him. "Ever done time?"

"A couple of overnighters, no big deal." Brian responded to her, his eyes shifting to hers momentarily.

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