46. feelings of betrayal

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They walked out to the larger room, Tej and Ramsey standing in front of the large computer screen, getting to work on God's Eye

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They walked out to the larger room, Tej and Ramsey standing in front of the large computer screen, getting to work on God's Eye. Mia ignored the wave of nausea that washed over her as she watched Tej type in Dominic Toretto and they all watched as it formulated where he was.

"Got him." Tej said triumphantly. "He's in London."

"Wait." Ramsey called out. "We got a second match in Hong Kong."

Mia and Logan looked up to see red dots appearing all over the digital globe. Logan was growing confused on how Dom could be all in one place.

"Beijing and Seoul." Roman added.

"And Tokyo." Tej shook his head.

The red dots multiplied. "And just about every other major city on the planet."

Letty went to sit down on the steps behind them, everyone knowing how hard this must be not just for Mia but also Letty. Letty couldn't help but think how she barely just got her memories back and now she lost the love of her life.

Mia turned around and went towards Logan leaning into him as he placed a hand on Mia's back as she held her stomach. Logan kissed her head to let her know he was there for here.

"And, so." Mr. Nobody speaks. "God's Eye was where we start. But Cipher's already created an evasion that masks their location by pinging random spots all over the globe. But it was a good thought, Roman."

Ramsey sighed, defeated. "So, she's made my program obsolete."

"And that, Ramsey, is why you're here." Ramsey only glared at Mr. Nobody.

"See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick." Little Nobody spoke as he walked past Roman.

Roman stepped down and turned to him. "Why you looking at me when you're saying that?"

"Wait a second, wait, wait." Tej cuts in. "Simple solutions might just cut it. You see, in order for God's Eye to give off all these false pings, means they have to be using a flea relay."

"Which means it has a decaying sync randomizer." Ramsey added

"Which we can reverse..." Ramsey smiled. "And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's true location."

Mia looked away from the screen when the computer started beeping, "Do you hear that?"

Logan looked down to her, "Yea, it sounds like something but I can't put my finger on."

"This is interesting." Mr Nobody said as he stepped forward.


"Because that's here."As everyone looked to the screen at a red dot in their location.

Suddenly explosions go off. Letty was flung from the stairs and onto the ground as Letty's head hit onto the cold ground she landed on her side. Logan covered Mia's body's with his as they both landed near Letty. Glass rained down on the them as more explosions went off.

Mia coughed as smoke filled the room and she held her stomach protectively. A burst of light went off, giving off a high frequency that caused everyone to cover their ears.

"Did you all enjoy that?" A woman's voice echoed throughout their ears as Mia blinked her eyes open.

She strained them to see through the smoke and when she did, she didn't like what she saw. The woman, who Mia recognised as Cipher, was walking in with Dom right beside her.

"Next generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry, it'll wear off in an hour. Probably."

Logan rolled over to check on Mia, placing his hand on Mia's as she felt her ankle throb in pain. Mia took noticed to the blood coming down a cut from Logan's forehead.

"Hello, Deckard. Nice to see you again." Cipher spoke.

"Look at this, body's not even cold, Dom. Your family's already replacing you. You chose the losing team. I guess your bother is smarter than you."

Deckard grunted as Cipher moved over to retrieve the God's Eye. Gunshots went off, Logan grabbing Mia as he brought them back down to the ground as glass fell down on them and Letty.

Letty rolled onto her back, feeling glass dig into her back as she blinked up above her, seeing Dom looking down at her before looking away.

"Smart move, embedding God's Eye into the mainframe." Cipher spoke. "Irritating to make me have to come all the way down here to get it, but." She grabbed it and walked past Dom. "Let's go."

Dom turned around and started walking out, Letty pushing herself up. Mia looked up from under Logan's arms as she watched her older brother.

"Dom!" Letty called out to him, seeing him come to a stop.

Letty saw him slowly turn around to face her as she sat up more with a pained expression on her face. "You're gonna turn your back on family? Just like that?"

Mia saw the hurt flash across Dom's eyes but he didn't say anything. Mia knew how important family and Letty was to Dom, it always killed him when one of us was mad at him.

Cipher came back up beside him and Dom turned his head to her, before looking back down at Letty. Cipher smirked at her as she grabbed the back of Dom's head and placed her lips on his. Letty gritted her teeth, feeling tears well in her eyes.

Cipher pulled away from Dom and smirked down at Letty. She spun on her heel and walked out, Dom glancing over to the brunette. Letty stared back at him with a mix of emotions on her face, anger, confusion, hurt and frustration.

As he walked passed his sister she had tears already falling down. Mia wanted to say something but no words left her mouth. Dom just stared at his sister as he just turned around and left. Just like that.

Logan placed Mia onto the steps as everyone else was inside the smaller room. Mia felt like she was going to throw up as she played with her wedding ring.

"I think your ankle may be sprained," Logan told her as he checked her ankle.

"What about you? You need to get your head checked," Mia said as she held his hand.

"I will I just wanted to make sure you were okay ,"Logan kissed her head as he went to get his head check.

Mia kept fiddling with her ring as Hobbs looked over to her as he stood in front of the table before he walked over to her, squeezing her shoulder as he stood beside her.

"You okay?"

"That wasn't him." Her voice cracked as she replied.

Hobbs nodded his head as Mia blinking her eyes rapidly to get the tears to go away. "I don't know what she's got on him. But that wasn't my brother."

Roman looked at her sadly as he listened to her speak. "Brian would know what to do."

Logan quickly turned his head to face him, "Roman, no."

Mia ran a hand through her hair. "We can't bring Brian and Sophia into this. We agreed on that."

"I know." Roman said softly.

Mia let out a shaky breath as a tear fell from her eye again. She stood up abruptly and wiped under her eyes before walking out of the room, all eyes on her as she went.

Author's Note

Omg!!! You all mean so much to me!  We hit 36k on this book! Like thank you all so so much for supporting this book! I love each and every one of you! I wanted to give you all another chapter so please enjoy! I'm excited on how this act 6 is going to go! hope everyone has an amazing day! 

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