Mrs. Coldie (Introduction)

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Author pov~

Teenage,these ages or u can say period is very crucial in our life.
As in this period we get to know who we are and how we are.

They are treasure of our life.

But at the same time confusing also.

Insecurities which we get in this age. When we get so uncertain about ourselves and think why am i not pretty like her/him.

Then it doesn't matter to us that how beautiful can be our inner self. But no we only care about how people think about us.

We give more importance to our or other's looks, wealth and many more.
We actually can't figure out things properly.
We don't see the truth behind lies, we only see what our eyes show us.
Most of the teenagers get into depression bcz of studies, lack of confidence, to look good and don't know what more.......



Same like all those teenagers here is a girl in this story who passed her teenage period in sorrow, depression and grief for living in this heartless world.
Its not like all the people around her were heartless but those who are close to her,her parents, her friends .
Nobody understood her.
At that time she had people around her but yet she felt so lonely. She liked to live alone but she needed even only one person who stay with her, understand her, who listen her words also, don't force her to do things which she don't like
don't make her feel like lonely.

But now its all changed, time changed, friends changed, she changed.

She learned to live lonely in this crowd of people.She learned to keep quite when her own parents don't even listen to her.

People calls her cold, full of attitude, rude, disrespectful but she don't give a fuck to them now bcz she thinks peoples work is to bark then let do them. What more can they do than that.


So lets see how her life goes after her this new personality.

which she get from people who don't understand her.

So tell me guys should i continue this or should make an another story.


Sooooo helloooo 😅

This story will continue if u want

So.... Tell me in comments if i continue this or not

Or u have to wait for new story

But pls if u like this tell me then only i will continue this.


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