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Sorry but its not that good.... seriously i don't like this one.

Author POV ~

On the phone-

"I am telling you not to come here still u are not listening to me Tae!!" A girl's soft voice echoed in the room which was dark like nobody lives here for years.

"But jagi, u are alone there i know and I am coming thats it end of discussion."Another voice rang from other side of the phone making her feel guilty as she was avoiding him.

Her long distanced boyfriend but not now as he is now her fiance. Yeah they have already met 1 year ago but still not living in a living in relationship.

"Taee plsss i said na i am okkk plsss don't bother urself for me...... plsssss" she said while holding herself from speaking some rude words to him bcz she knew she will hurt him by her words if they keep talking so she cutted the call without hearing his reply.

Here they were arguing on a simple matter but for him it was not as he knew how stubborn she is.

She lived alone from the starting of her first year in university but now she is graduated and doing job too. Her parents live in village as her paternal family was orthodox.......yeah irritating right.

So she was telling him not to come to her apartment as she thought he will be bother or will think of her as a burden.

And what can u expect from a girl who never had any relationship with any unknown boy not even friendship. Her brothers was too strict about her studies and all like they are the only person with whom she will live her life.


Yn POV ~

Why it feels so lonely even I have a family having scary parents, caring brothers and a sweet, hot, charming prince like lover.

Its like my house is not the only thing who is looking empty but my heart too. It needs its owner here so I can feel lightweighted in my body but here i am pushing him away from me.

I just feel so nervous thinking like will he accept me with these scratch like marks on body i not insecure bcz I know how much he loves me and how much far we have come from that teenage online love but still my heart need a confirmation...........its all bcz of those rules and regulation in my family*sadly sigh*

*Knock* *knock*.....

I hear twice of knocks on the bedroom door making me alert as no one knows my main door's password so who is it??..

With my fasten heartbeats i slowly opened the door, taking a peek from the space but to my shock i was pulled in a warm hug by a giant human making my eyes go wide.

Author POV ~

"How is my Surprise baby, sorry but couldn't help but to come here u know I missed u like its been years we met" he wishpered in her ear while swaying their bodies left to right as they were still in between the door.

"Tae how come u know my password and i told u na babe i am fine u don-" she got cut off as he gave a looonng peck on her lips before picking her up in his arms, making their way towards the bed he layed her there while hovering above her.

"Babe u talk too much now listen to me or if u want u can kiss me in the middle but don't u dare to talk until i finish hmm?" He mouthed while his lips were brushing over hers making her timid and nodded her head making him smile as he pecked her neck before putting his head on her tits.

"Jagiyaaa, i have been noticing Ur behaviour, everytime i plan to meet u makes feel like i have no existence in Ur life......it hurts...its feel like u are avoiding me?"she gulped hearing his tone as it was sad like sorrow has engulfed him like her.
But his reason of being in sadness is she herself??........yeah ofcouse!!

She made him feel lonely too with herself.

"I am not avoiding u Tae, plsss don't think like that u know I lov-" she stopped as a sob left from her mouth making him worried as he moved his head  up and softly caressed her head with his right hand and cheek with left.

" Jagi u don't have too assure me, i know u love me so so sooo much but that was not i am talking about, i think Ur are hesistate about Something" he consoled her and changed their position as now she  was the one who was on top. She hugged him tightly before snuggling in his neck sniffing softly, feeling his warmth after whole 2 weeks.

"Ok we will talk tomorrow hmm I know u are just tired hmm take a good sleep we will talk in the morning hmm?"he said before laying comfortable and covered both of them with duvet. While she wrapped her legs around his ones.

Later he heared soft snoring of his jagi as smiled a lil before pecking her forehead before drifting in his Dreamland with her together.


Sorry but forgive me for posting this boring shit i personally don't have ideas.........

can you guys give me some explained ideas plsss 😭
I have a requested one but wanna make Something diff. and it was so common.

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