Mrs. Coldie (part-1)

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Author's pov~

Sometimes we think that life is so hard but then next few minutes later we think that - "dude...I wish I could live this life forever".

But these are just our thoughts and will happen what God wants.

Leave it! Now lets talk about our Yn.

You know what guys, sometime when we get upset and stressed about something, we start doing things which can make our mood light and give good feelings.
Just like that
Our yn likes to draw something when she deeply dissolved in that depressive thoughts.

She really loves drawing and painting, making beautiful arts and sometime adding her sorrowfull thoughts in her drawing which makes it actual story.

Right now she is going home from her partime job in a convinience store.
Where she works just to collect some money for her living.

With rich parents still so hardworking.



I'm walking and walking and walking in this world alone....all alone .
Here its 9:30 in the night and walking on the way to the hell

Here its 9:30 in the night and walking on the way to the hell

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Yes hell ...where no one is listen to me.

*Sad chuckle* Sometimes I think I had never born in this world. I don't want to live , I just don't want any life. Its so suffocating here.

No one to listen no one to care, its not like that my parents don't love me ,they do as they say like "I love u my princess" but only when I obey them like I'm some kind of their servant or Something.

And you know guys what I'm earning myself for me so that I don't be a burden on my parents.
I am working since I turn 18 bcz they think they are wasting their money on me.

Author pov~

After sometime her phone rang.
And it was her mother

Yn- why are they calling me .

She picked up the phone.

Yn- umm hello..eomma

Ym- where are u?

Yn- I just take the leave from the store now on my way.

Ym- hmm... Come fast we are going somewhere and you also have come with us.

Yn- where? Because I am very tired and now I can't go anywhere.

Ym- We are going to meet Ur father's and my friends .

Yn- Okay then go why me. Enjoy Ur time with Ur friends.

Ym- I am last time telling u don't talk too much just come fast we have to go otherwise I am complaining to ur appa.

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