AFTER A YEAR (part-2)🔞

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Do vote guys and yeah there can be mistakes bcz i didn't recheck it so bear with it....

Author pov~

As he twisted the knob before opening the door slowly, his eyes got widened bcz of what he saw....

And yeah there she is, his wood pecker oh no no his lips pecker..... I mean his wifey Yn...sitting on the bed wearing a hot and sexy nightgown......


Tae pov~

I rubbed my eyes with my both hands as I could not believe what I saw........its like i was having hallucination but noooo

She immediately looked up before smilling widely at me and got up, she came towards me and hugged me tightly, snuggling in my chest.......

But i was in my own world like how can she be here she should be at her parents house.... then how. And where is Taegu?? I was totaly confused....and why did she texted me then when she is here only...

She looked up while pouting, releasing that I didn't hugged her back...she looked at me like she was reading my mind and smiled before pecking my lips softly....and then neck.

I have her a confused look....

Yn- missed me?? hmm

Tae-how come u here..?

Yn-aishh.....This is your old habit, whenever I ask you something, you do not answer but ask question of yours.

Yn- now tell me darling didn't u miss me hmmm...

I smiled at her she really knows me well .

I picked her up before giving her tight hug and gently touched her lips with mine.

Slowly that touch became a deep kiss i roam my hands on her back which was bare just some strings were knotted....

After breaking the kiss, while breathing heavily i joined my forehead with her.......

Staying like that some seconds i said to her...

Tae- I missed u soooo much.....literally wanted to just go to your parents house and bring u back here...

Tae- btw when u come back and where is Taegu

Yn- (smiled) ummm I was also missing you, so thought why not just go to my home back and u know what...........u are my home..

She said and kissed my cheeks while a pink shade of blush appeared on my face without me knowing.

Yn-and about Taegu he will stay there with them and will come after 3 days with them.....

Tae- hmmm okey

Yn- ummm but now don't waste Ur time I already prepared our dinner let go ......

Tae- you did!! ...thanku mah babyyy i am just coming after getting fresh hmmm

Yn-okie dokie

I smiled and kissed on her forehead...before heading towards bathroom

Opening the bathroom door i saw the bath tub was beautifully decorated with candels and flower

So she also did this for me (chuckled) my princess

After 15 min i came out of the bathroom while wearing a sweat pants and loose t-shirt.....

I saw her back facing me doing something on the window side of our room, i walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her....and saw she was arranging food on the table with some candels on........

Kim Taehyung Oneshots || Kth Fanfiction ||kth x Reader||🔞+Where stories live. Discover now