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Author pov~

After completing their work, now they decided to watch some videos on YouTube just for time pass

Yn pov~

We both settled on our bed covering our bodies with a blanket. I layed my head on his chest while watching......after the video come to its end I immediately liked it......

Although it was not that much interesting but still and watching my moves tae crashed his eyebrows together while questioning......

Tae- hey why did u like it......its not even that good..

I smiled hearing his question and thought the reason behind this but still answered..

Yn- ohh my cutie..........u know there is a specific reason for that...

Tae- and what's that......

Yn- hmmm.....u know when we were kids and our exams were about to come, our parents used to say 24/7 that do study do study..
Bcz we can only do our best by studying but the result is not in our hands but it is depend on our hardwork we did....

Similarly, here people do their best to entertain us by making their content more interesting

But something is not similar here
And that is us who are watching, reading, listening to their creations but still forget to give their result to them.....Is not it wrong......

and I liked it bcz here the person do his/her best to make it even it was not that much interesting but still it had their hardwork and we should respect it..........

I am not saying that we should like all the garbage in YouTube but those who worth it....just for small mistakes we can't just judge it right.......

like, I do one or two mistakes in my homework that doesn't mean the teacher will tear my notebook apart or will not accept it.........will he? no right..

Tae- ohhhh getting mature huhh
But seriously u just give me a lesson of life ....I really liked ur mindset....mah baby...

He smiled while forming his lips in a box.....before pecking my cheeks gently and then got up from the bed..........

Yn- where???

Tae- just wait...... sweetheart..

I blushed when he said that nickname and he knew that it's my weakness...

After sometime he come back while putting his hands back like he is hiding something from me

Yn- what are u hiding show me show me naaaa

I said to him while standing on the bed jumping on him to see at  what he is hiding...

Tae- close ur eyes first....babe.

Okey, that's so simple to guess that it's a surprise. I so excited to see what he bring for me..I closed my eyes he slowly picked me up in his arms like we carry a baby and sat on the bed while me sitting on his lap...

Tae- Now open ur eyes sweetheart.....

He wishpered in my ear while his lips slight touched my ear giving me shocks and chills in my whole body.......this time I felt like he was not that cutie hubby of mine but a hot romantic husband

I smiled before opening my eyes and saw his big hands infront of me while two slips of paper were on it...........they were tickets...........

That too of my fav amusement park......

Ohh my god so this is the surprise

Yn- this........when did u bought them??

Tae- when I saw ur gloomy face after I rejected to go with u at there..

Tae- what did u thaught I was being happy after making my cutie wifey sad hmmm....

I immediately hugged him before pecking his whole face.....and said.

Yn- thanku baby u are the best....I lub u

Tae- I lub u too.(chuckled)

Comment me if u want next part or just leave it here only..

Thanks for reading

Bye 🙃

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