Her Childish husband' (last part-5)

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Ignore my mistakes as I wrote it in hurry...

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Sitting on the couch in the balcony, she was sipping on her coffee while taking every inch of the beautiful sunset infront of her eyes....she sighed before placing the empty mug on the small table beside her......she recalled all the moments occured in this 1 week which were facing by both of them....and somewhere her daughter too......and who wouldn't when u see Ur parents arguing with each other randomly with knowing their child is seeing everything......and getting hurt.......

She bit her lips, trying to figure out how to solve the circumstances she had created in between them......she was thinking, thinking and thinking...but......

She flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder from behind...and turned around just to saw her daughter standing with a griefy  pout on her face......

"Hmm do u want Something?" Yn asked her while making her sit beside her. Her daughter who was still sadly looking down instantly looked up and said..."yes I want ..............I want you to apologise to dad!!"yn tilted her head before blinking few times...."its enough mom......u are being too arrogant here.....just accept Ur mistake for god sake....... atleast for me....plsss" yn got starled hearing her daughter's cracking voice making her held her shoulders......."jia what-" yn couldn't form what to say to her as she realised how things were going in a really wrong direction......she took a deep breath before wiping her daughter's eyes.......and nodded....

"I am sorry baby....I really sorry I'm really a bad wife.....I don't know, if will he forgive me for the heart piercing words, that I said him" yn too looked down at her laps as she felt so guilty about her, choosing of words that day.....

She couldn't control as she broke down in many regretful tears....making her daughter hugged her.....

They both talked for some moments sharing the beautiful bond of mother-daughter......


After the kitchen was full of utensils and dinning table was filled with delicious and tempting food, she rested for a while as she was working for whole 2 hours and that made her tired as fuck and just needed a good shower right now.....

Jia too came down smeling the fragnance from upstairs......she walked Towards her mother before sniffing softly the sweet-spicy fragnance of food prepared by her mother........

"Mommm, Dad will surely lick fingers after eating this tasty food...but.....only food will not help u, you need to show Ur regret through Ur words and actions too...." her daughter said while sitting on the table and was  checking every dish while opening the lids.......

"Mom I am getting hungry.......can I eat now...pls.....then u can have Ur time dad....." She said while smiling cheekily towards her mother who chuckled seeing her acting.......and nodded permitting her to have her dinner first with no objection.....


Its 10:30 already and there was no trace of Taehyung.......he was still late like the other day since they both fought with each other......

He was coming late and going early in the morning bcz he was hurt and was feeling lonely from inside.......and there was not his partner to confront him, ask him how was his day at office, is he tired, did he eat his lunch or not..........no she didn't ask any of them making him believe that there is no more his old yn here.........just only the one who cares about his mistakes more than his anxiety about his insecurities.........

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