'Her Childish husband'

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Author POV ~

Children are the purest creatures whom God have made, but people doesn't understand that a child is always hidden inside everyone, whom people call 'childish'.....is it that person's fault,that he is free minded or doesn't take unnecessary stress......no right?
Tsk leave it u maybe don't understand it yet but when u will know how it feels to be called immature then u will understand...


Yn POV ~

Where is he.... he should be reached till now!! Here I am sitting in dinning chair waiting for my husband who is not present here when he should be..... I was thinking when I heared some foot steps coming close to me, I looked behind and saw Jia, our daughter who turned 14 this year. She came Towards me before sitting on the chair beside me.."didn't dad come yet?" She asked with a frown on her face while I caressed her cheeks before answering "Umm no not yet but he will in some time, btw why u are up till now hmm" I asked patting her cheeks twice. she pouted whingy "can't sleep mom" she whined before saying ", I will also sit till dad come, can I?" She asked me while I nodded not minding her bcz tomorrow is Sunday so no school..."mom can i tell u something" she said while I looked at her with raised brows permitting her to speak further "act-tually I-" she seemed to be hesitate so i held her hands before turning my whole attention to her, "tell na baby, what happened, are U having periods huh?" She shook her head making me nod, "mom I saw ausedcondominyourroom
She said in one go not letting me understand a single word..."huh speak slowly u chatter box" I said while chuckling, "I-I saw a used c-condom in Ur r-room yesterday" she let out while gulping making my eyes go wide with shock.."what??"


To be continued

I know it was toooo short but-....leave it!

Anyways it was requested by Nijataashraf

Bye 🙃

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