My bully❤️

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Author POV ~

"The world was busy around they both just stared at each other before he pulled her for a kiss which felt blissful to both of them"~ these were the lines written on a significant page of that book which she was reading with full interest, not minding an idiot roaming around her with his dumb tantrums.....

She was still concentrated in her reading session while sitting on the couch meanwhile her roommate throwing tantrums for not listening his words..... he was kinda like a trouble maker who also bully her but not in a harsh way tho...but still handling a dumb bully like him was really a headache for her for sure.....

After a few minutes later she sighed annoyingly at him and put her book down before removing her glasses which she wears while reading....

"Whats all this huh.....why are u so annoying Tae.!!" She asked in an irritated tone which he did notice and gulped bcz he knows whenever she get mad then he can't tease her or she will do something which he can't even imagine.....

"Haha am I-I annoying ?..." He asked in a fake sad voice which he knows it can melt her easily.....and it actually woks .....she stared at him while clenching her jaw but just sighed again thinking..that..a dumb can't live without doing dumb things......

"We are getting late for college get ready fast u dumbo..." Yes its early in the morning she was all ready to go to the college but waiting for him to get ready too.....who was wasting his time uselessly....

Saying that she got up before moving towards her room to get her bag....while he stood there poutingly.....but later he also turned his steps toward his room to get ready.....

Time skip~

"Why are u so stubborn~" he said which she just scoffed looking away from him......"just like u are annoying!!" She answerd while walking on the footpath along with him who was on his bicycle.....but he was just beside her moving in a slow pace....

"Yn I'm telling u just hop on already....we will reach fast by cycling!" He advised but got Nothing just a no....

He sighed getting mad slightly before moving the paddles faster and shouted from a lil far...."fuck u !!!!" He was surely angry on her for not listening while she just chuckled shaking her head..

"Dumbo.....but he is cute....and sometimes hot too ......" She mummbled to herself while moving reach her destination.....


Time skip~

"Yn are ok nowadays?" Her friend, Tia asked Yn, who was writing notes in her notebook which their professor just told them to write....

"Huh ? What are u actually talking about, Tia?" Yn inquired raising her brows and again concentrated on her notebook......"umm I mean your health like u were.........acting like a child at that day on my" She asked witg a nervousness on her face, hesistant to ask such Question from her only friend......

Yn instantly looked up at her witg her gaped mouth....but thought to answer anyway.....bcz she is her bestfriend so its not that personal to hide from her.....

"Actually I am sorry for ruining your party...... actually it was all bcz of a syndrome which I am having....."


To be continued~

I think u already guess whats coming huh....?

Do vote guysssss for next part.......


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