'Her Childish husband' (part-2)

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The same thing happened to me too that happened with jia here🌚

Author POV ~

As soon as she heared her daughter's statement, she frowned with a slightly opened mouth as she got a shock...she gulped before looking towards her daughter once again."mom I know u are embarrassed but plsss its ok I mean...u know I am just telling u don't get mad at dad plss.." the daughter pleaded her mother as she held her hand in hers. "I-I am so sorry-" Yn apologised on behalf of her husband getting guilty bcz of his and her carelessness. "Mom I said na its okk, infact there is no one's fault here " her daughter was surely mature to handle this kind of situations. And also Its not like she doesn't know about all these things ofcourse she does know as its all studied in her scl too....Her mother gave her a guilty look while pressing her lips together.....thats when a knock was heared to both of them gaining attention of both. Yn moved Towards it before unlocking it as her husband came in her view standing infront of her with a tired smile on his face.. while she just stared at him with straight face... He frowned looking her not so good expressions..he bend a lil to her forehead before pecking it. He entered just to got a hug by his dear daughter.."dadd why so late u know mom was waiting for u since 2 hours!!" He gave a sad pout to her as he listened her talks. Yn shook her head before moving towards the kitchen to get a glass of water for him and again came towards them before handing him the glass. He smiled cheekily and took that glass from her........Now they all are sitting on chairs having dinner while Jia who already had her dinner before, was now telling her father of her day....and all....he too was nodding on her words while eating.....but noticed that his wife was too silent like no complaints about coming late, no scolding....
He thought something is wrong or happened to her..... periods?? Nah they just went a week ago...so what can it be....he thought...

After having dinner Yn washed their used utensils. while in their bedroom , dad and daughter were having chit chats together......after a while she walked upstairs to her bedroom....and saw them talking about something...she chuckled seeing them talking like aunties gossiping about Something....she walked towards them and sat beside him...who placed his arm around her shoulder pulling her towards him....."okk Dad now its mom's time to have u- i mean spend time with u so...good night" see i told u na, look how she talks with her parents like they are her friends but she respect them a lot too....so being a lil frank wouldn't take anything...

They both chuckled listening their daughter's statement.... they both wished her back and She walked out of their room, Towards her own one...

"Yn are u upset about Something?" Her husband, Taehyung,asked while cupping her face with his one hand. She sighed before speaking "not about something but you, i am mad at u Tae!!!" She let out with sternness in her voice making the male gulped.."huh but -" she cutted him off while saying "u know what Tae u are so careless like.... literally a child u are!!" He gaped his mouth a lil at her remark. He held her hands but she yanked them away scooting away from him and that pained him seeing his wife moving away from him......he felt hurt...hurt from heart..."yn tell me what-"  "u wanna know right so listen, u are that much careless that u didn't even realised, u left a used condom in our room......and our daughter saw that!!!" She wishpered yelled at him making him shocked as fuck as his mouth got open involuntary at her sentence.."Tae be a lil mature....even our daughter is way more mature than u...." His heart ached at her painful remarks making him instantly look down not having enough courage to make eye contact with her after listening his mistake..."I am sorry I -I will be careful in future" he said slowly with a slight tone giving her hint of his guiltyness..."ohh really how u will be careful when this is not going to happen again" she said confusing him as he didn't get the meaning of her words"huh what??" He asked while blinking twice.."means we are not going to do physical intimacy till u get Ur lesson!" She said making him gulped but nodded not having other choice...."okk-k" he agreed and looked at her who was looking away from him with a cold face ..making him stretched  his lower lip out a lil....."hmm now sleep with a distance from me its Ur punishment"...

Yn POV ~

I really don't wanna say this but this author was making me do that....I really can't hellp but to see my baby sulking like an actual baby at my cruel words....he layed at his side while I also layed keeping a huge space between us making him give me his best puppy eyes .."Yn baby I am sorry plss lets cuddle naa" he said while whining..."sleep quitely or else be ready to sleep on couch" I said and noticed him gulping. I closed my eyes drifting in sleep my i could feel him coming lil closer to me time to time...."what?" I asked opening my eyes making him slightly flinch..he shook his head before moving on his place back...like that our night got spend.......


To be continued~


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