His Secret Girlfriend!!?

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Ignore the mistakes

Author POV ~

Something in her attracts him that much that sometimes he thinks, she is too pure and innocent to be in this cruel world, but what if he is one of the cruelty,
Not in the world but in their college.
Then what will he do if Something bad happens to her bcz of him, will he take it easy or will make the death of that person who hurt his girl,easy.
But Something we know that he is definitely not the one who will hurt his love ones.

Taehyung POV ~

I was walking through the corridor so that I can get a glance of my cutie, but these bitches keep interrupting me, clinging onto me like leeches.
I stopped in the middle as I saw my cutie in library reading a book so seriously.
I made my way towards her direction ignoring the leeches behind.
I sat on the chair beside her but still she hadn't notice me yet so i snatched the book from her hand making her slightly flinch.
She was looking at me with Surprised face as she moved her fingers towards my face but i instantly held her hand before saying.

Author POV ~

"Whats my bookwarm cutie doing here alone hmm??"he said and kissed her fingers before holding them in his.

"Are-e u really here or I am hallucinating!??" she asked while blinking her eyelids innocently. But got shocked when he pulled her closer to him before pecking her from jaw to her neck.

"So my bookwarm has started hallucinating her boyfie huh!??..........but my cutie u are not hallucinating, i am really here!"he mouthed just near her neck sniffing her heavenly fragnance.

She gasped as she felt his wet juicy lips on her nape and started to feel blissful in his arms as scooped her in his arms making her sit on his lap.

"Taetae what are u doing here....u know na if anybody see u here then they will ask u hundreds of questions" she said while twirling her hair strand in her fingers while her other hand wrapped around his neck for support.

"U know na I am not scared of anyone here and if anybody bully u or annoy u then will see what will happen to that person." He declared while his eyes were showing a possession for her only for her


Hellooo so i was thinking that I have 15 days holidays as u all know winters break so i am gonna post whenever I get time even its small okkk

And tell me how was it??

Bye 🙃

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