Just a responsibility?(part-1)

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Read this following statements first i specially wrote it for u....

Firstly i am sorry bcz i was about to post this story earlier but couldn't bcz of my health issues so yeah....

And secondly thankuuu so much guys for 1k+ reads as I didn't thought that people will read them in future. I was writing them just bcz i wanted to...

But seriously thanku and Thank u very much to those who voted on my story....

And those who didn't vote, guys just wait for sometime I will post more stories with more details, fluff, romance and smut ig..

And also going to post part 1 of my second book...


Author pov~

Yn- Tae........Tae get up now its 7:30 already...u are getting late for office

Tae- umm... hmmm

Yn- what hmmm...get up..

Tae- hmmmm....yeah just some minutes more and u know I feeling tired

Yn- Okay then take rest for some mins u have 20 mins after that come downstairs to have breakfast....

Tae- what.....only 20 mins this is not fair....

Yn- everything is fair in my under so don't argue with me just get fresh....

Saying that she walked towards the door...


Ummm yes they are married and their marriage was arranged but not by their parents instead it was arranged by Kim Taehyung himself only...

And no their parents are not childhood BestFriend here ...they met each other.

But do they love each other?

So here the boy , who is a simple employee in a company, living in a an apartment and now with his wife....the apartment is not that much big but enough for their living...

And the girl who is a doctor in a clinic.....

They both are from middle class families and both have decent jobs..

The boy loves his wife sooo much but do she also..

Don't know.....but lets talk about this later and let him get fresh otherwise his woman will flush him in the toilet only...


Time skip

While eating breakfast yn said Something taking his attention..

Yn- I will come late today, there are so many patients have appointment for today, so take care of yourself and eat your meals on time...

He smiled widely thinking his wife takes care of him is it bcz she also loves him or leave it...but he wanted to ask her why so he said...

Tae- why do u care for me so much...

As he said she stopped eating and wiped her lips with tissue..and said with a straight face..

Yn- I'm not caring its just u are my husband and its my responsibility to take care of my husband as a good wife....

Thats it....so he was thinking wrong he is doing every single thing to make her fall in love with him but she just takes him as her responsibility Okay then...

Tae- just a responsibility? Okay if u say so...

As he said that she took her bag and started walking before saying..

Yn- I m done eating......its getting late bye i am going now ..

She said simply and went but what about him.....how he is feeling at that moment only he can tell that..


Thanks for reading and if u voted thank u so much for it also.


Wait for part 2

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