Saying Yes for 24 hrs!!❤️

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Ignore some mistakes

Taehyung POV ~

Damnnn... that Jimin is something!......he was literally inviting his own death from his the thing is we means Jimin, his Girlfriend, Yn and me went to a double date and then in evening we went to their house for dinner.

After dinner we decided to play some games so as usual we played truth and dare.

Jimin gave his girlfriend weird dares making her got angry at him........maybe he is coaxing her now*chuckle deeply*.

But now the fun will come as his girlfriend gave a dare to Yn that 'she have to say yes to me for 24 hrs to whatever I say" isn't it fun to make her annoy and then she gives me that pouty face of hers to stop me.*he cooed at her*.

So lets see what she is doing and give her a task.*he giggled*


I came into our bedroom making no voice and there she was laying on her stomach with her elbow support on the bed tangled in the blanket.

Her soft round butt covered with a small shorts that she was wearing, were displayed in my sight as I moved forward.

She was watching something on her phone while swaying her legs up and down. I went beside her and spanked her butt slightly jiggling them making her gasped as she fastly sat on the bed before looking at me with her wide eyes.

"What!??" I asked her while taking her in my embrace sitting beside her. "Why did u do that!??" She asked with her pouty lips keeping her face on my shoulder hiding her blushy face.

I held her face with my hand before saying. "Why can't I do that hmm... ain't u my girl huh"she nodded and pecked my cheeks before laying on me without any hesistation.

"My peanut, are not u forgetting Something!?" I asked nuzzling in her neck, she softly caressed my hairs...... ahhhh thats what I loveee, her touches just enough to make me feel loved.

"Whatttt Tae?" she asked still playing with my hair strand making me relax in her warm embrace. "That.... dare u have got, my heaven!" I answerd her sniffing her sweet yet calming fragnance.

She chuckled nervously before mummbling," aaahh i don't wanna to that" she whined cutely making me giggle as I knew why she was saying no to do that.

"But u have to!!" I said and throwed her softly on the bed making her bounce on it. "Noooo Tae pls ahh- " she insisted me to stop but cutted her off."say no to No and now be ready to Say yes , my drama queen" I declared before attacking her with my kisses.

"Haaahaaaa Tae-e stop aaaa plsss aahhaa" she tried to say in between her laugh but i was fast enough to tickle her on her tummy. She is too sensitive that my mere touch gives her tickles and chills.....which I was aware.

Yesss!! Thats why she was saying nooo to me*chuckled* bcz I love to make her giggle by tickling her and she got annoyed by it. But Today I got a chance to do that ..... so why not!!!

I tickled her but stopped as she got tears in her eyes due to laughing. I calmed her down hugging her from back as she was facing the wall. I kissed her cheeks, nose and then pecked her pinkish lips.

"Now sleep we will continue our dare tomorrow hmm" i said while bitting my lips to stop myself from laughing seeing her angry pouty face."huh bad Taetae!!" Such a baby she is. I kissed her nape before sleeping while cuddling her.


I shifted a bit rolling on the bed tracing my hand to get a hold of her but got Nothing just her pillow. I lazily opened my sleepy eyes and found empty bed making me whine at her.

I got up before making my way towards the bathroom for freshen up.

After coming out I wear my grey trousers with a light blue hoodie and made my way towards her who was in the kitchen as I heared some sounds from downstairs.

"So whats my Butterfly, making hmm" I asked her to which she turned her face towards me before giving me her beautiful wide smile. "Sweet cookies for my sweet boyfie~" she said more like sang it making my heartbeats fasten.

"Hmm so how about we have some of our sweet moments in the kitchen too huh" I wishpered in her left ear while embracing her tiny body in my bear hug. She giggled feeling my arms and leaned onto me making me hold her securely.

"U are so cute Tae!" She cooed at me while smiling making her eyes look small. I moved my fingers to hold her face. She looked at me with confusion on her face while I chuckled seeing her expressions.

"May u provide me my good fortune, by kissing those plumpy, soft lips of Ur, my Bonita~" I mouthed while staring at her with a warm smile on my face but frowned when she scrunched up her nose cutely." And would u stop if I will say no? huh!"I chuckled getting the meaning of her sentence and immediately crashed my lips on her while lifting her in my arms.
Moving towards the dinning table I made her sit on it still kissing her lips more like eating bcz they were like drugs fucking addictive.


~Time skip to night~

Author POV ~

"Taehyung nooo plss no" she snapped while putting her hands on her cheeks as her giant bear was firm on his decision to bit her cheeks as they look edible totally chubby.

He moved towards her while she crawled back on the bed looking at him still hiding her cheeks with hands. He held her leg and pulled her to him before holding her both hands in his.

"U can't back away baby, its just some minutes left to complete Ur dare so let me complete my this wish too"he stared at her intensely making her nodded whinnly, he smiled before attaching his mouth to her cheeks sucking her chubby cheeks while bitting gently...

After a good play he left her cheeks with a smooch on her lips and backed away."Now the dare has completed......lets sleep now hmm" he said and hugged her while laying beside her.

"No lets cuddle for some time then will sleep" she demanded while he smiled and pecked her forehead before caressing her hairs........

Then they slept~

The cute end~


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