Dil-wali?? (bonus)🔞

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Don't mind my mistakes plss Ur author is always on making mistakes...

And yeah DO VOTE PLSSS.....

Author POV ~

Looking into the mirror one last time she turned her attention to her husband, who was watching her with his daunting eyes, sitting on the bed, spreading his legs as she was removing her makeup and accessories.....

Looking into the mirror one last time she turned her attention to her husband, who was watching her with his daunting eyes, sitting on the bed, spreading his legs as she was removing her makeup and accessories

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She was drooling over him Internally, trying hard to not just go to him and kissed those plumpy lips of his, which he was biting sexily while taking every inch of her body in his eyes.....

She smirked as she felt him staring at her back which was bare as she was still wearing her saree, and that backless blouse were giving him hard time in controlling himself from tearing that 5 meter thing apart and hold that curvy body of her in his big hands.....

She turned towards him and said in her most innocent voice which he knows that was just his wife's teasings.....

"Taee plss help me na" she said and walked towards him while pouting like a innocent kid....

He chuckled darkly at her tricks...before holding her hand and pulled her with a jerk making her land on his lap.......

"What help my bub wants?" He wishpered sensually in her ear before nibbling it .....making her let out a breathy moan ....

"Tae- umm... Help me in removing it just like u help in wearing!!" She spoke still closing her eyes at his touches....

"Just this only?? Ok!" He said making her frowned, thinking didn't he get the meaning of her words....she looked at him while confused face....and sulked when he raised his brows at her before standing up and made her too....

Yn POV ~

Is he idiot or what.... didn't he get that I am needy for his touches...and the reason is his intimidating gaze.....
Huh...dumb.........arghh I'm fucking horny.....

"Move Ur arms up bub!" He commanded me making me do the exact....he remove saree's pallu before turning around and undone its pleats leaving me only in my blouse and lower undergown....he moved a lil away before checking me out......
.. shameless dumb hmphh....

"I will do it by myself only!!" I said with a dry tone as I don't have mood now....."U can't" he said before chuckling darkly... making me shudder....."huh?"....
He pulled me by my waist sticking my delicate body with his tough and tall one........

Author POV ~

"My baby is so dumb that she thought I can't observe her needs for her husband hmm?" He wishpered while tracing his lips down to her cleavage.....and pecked on her cleavage line ...

"So u knew...huh...I hate u...u are so bad.....bad hubby!" She said poutingly while looking away from him....he held her chin and made her faced him "are u mad bub?? I am sorry hmm....look at me darling.........achha ok baba...........I will not tease u ever again.........but not in bed huh!!" He said making her cheeks turned red.....as he traced his fingers on her bare back playing with her blouse's knot.....still staring in her eyes....

"How about I make it up to u hmm!" He breathed while licking his lips making her gulped....and nodded her head....

He instantly pulled that knot, leaving her with bare chest infront of himself.......she gasped while putting her hands on her upper body.."yahh why-" "shhh no words just moans could be hear now" he said while smirking playfully and plamed her left breast which made her breath hitched as he gave it a gentle sqeeze.....making her legs feel weak......she hold his shoulders for support while half closing her eyes.....

"Already ready for daddy!?" He mocked and lifted her in his arms before placing her on bed ....

"U are looking so beautiful under me bub..." He complimented her before pecking her forehead......

After removing her remaining clothes He removed his clothes and underpant... leaving himself naked infront of his wife who was too gazing at him while licking her lips....she traced her fingers on his nipples making her man feel secretion of hormones inside him...

He breathed hard and held her hand stopping her movements and attached his lips to hers.....he sucked her lower lip.... pulled it outwards and pulled away with a satisfied moan....

She too wrapped her arms around his neck muffling her moans in his neck....as he started placing kisses on her neck....her neck was now filled with his hickies, wet kisses.....

"U are smeling so good bub.....but tomorrow morning u should be smeling like me...."he mouthed on her chest before attaching his lips to her brownish nipple.....she arched her back while pulling her hairs in her fist as he traced his teeth on her nipple....he pulled it using his teeth and sucked on it....."ahh Taee umm more...." She said panting for air as his acts were making her breathless...

She pushed his face more into her chest making him sucked hard on it.....he gave attention to another nipple by pressing it and kneaded it......like a stress ball....

She moaned loudly...and felt wet down in her pussy.....and started rubbing her bare pussy against his erection.....making him groaned at that desperatness of her.......he sucked her both the nipples roughly getting a sexy moan from her.....while his hands made their way towards her ass and squeezed them before spanking them... only for her to cry out of pleasure......

She bit her lips feeling heat down in her pussy making his man got the idea of what she was feeling.....he immediately put his two fingers inside her vaginal hole and moved them back and forth with a high pace still sucking her nipples turning them red....

She moaned while closing her eyes "ahh more Taee....Daddy I want Ur hard dickkk inside me...." She spoke while her body was shaking making him groaned at the sight....of her jiggling boobs.....

Her toes curled as she felt herself getting close to her climax.....
And with a loud moan she cummed on his hand and started breathing heavily......but he didn't stop instead move his fingers more fast.....making her cry out loud but with pleasure....

She hugged him tightly....while shaking "ahh Tae ahh plss stopp....its too much." She let out making him stop instantly and caressed her back .....and placed some loving kisses on her skin..... both of their forehead formed sweat and the atmosphere getting hot by each passing second......

"Are u tired should we stop??" He asked still caressing her back while she looked at him and shook her head before saying "umm no... actually it was too much but now I'm ok so..." She said and looked down shly.....he chuckled seeing her cute side in between their sexy session "so?"he wishpered in her ear but got a slight slap on his chest from her..."u are really so much teasing me nowadays..." He didn't say anything just moved forward and put his tip on her opening while tracing it up and down on her vaginal folds......

"So what Ur body likes when I tease u" he said and kissed her lips again................and satisfied her needs whole night.......


The end~

Now I am feeling horny.....guys...

Anyways Tell me how was it.

Bye 🙃

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