Bestie's Brother!🔞 (Part-3)

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Ingore mistakes as it is long ch soo

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Author POV ~

After that he kept his phone on the table stand which was just beside his bed, he layed on the bed but was not sleeping just staring at the ceilling thinking Something maybe.


Meanwhile in Lily's room

Lily was standing on the door frame of bathroom looking at her friend, Yn , who was having no idea of being spied by her own friend as Yn was holding Lily's phone with a confused expression while back facing her. Lily tip toed silently Towards her and peeked from Yn's shoulder to check what she was doing but gasped silently before snatching her phone from her. "Ynnn are u serious!! Why are chatting with someone on my phone!???" She wishper yelled at her with a weird expression on her face looking like a clown!" And that someone is Ur brother!! But first tell me that whats with this 'My bestie's crush' !! Are U SERIOUS!!! He is Ur fucking brother girll!" Yn let out with a scoff at last making the girl infront of her scoff as well. "But whats wrong in this! I mean its true though" she said while shrugging her shoulder with a playful smile on her face. Yn just stared at her with a disbelief look. "Btw what has he texted??" Lily asked moving towards the bed before laying and covered herself with a duvet. "About both of urs 'DEAL'!!" She answerd while taking a seat beside her where Lily got up with a jerk and whined "ohh no that idiot is really an idiot!!" Yn chuckled looking at her panicked expression.Lily made a pout before saying. "Well I actually forget that hehe... but i have to do that deal.....its really important for me!" She let out and sighed before continuing "Yn get up and go to his room Now!!" She breathed while pointing towards the door making Yn look at with 'Is she crazy, God!?' look on her face. "Are u serious Lily!?? Just for some stupid deal of yours u are kicking me out of Ur room!" Yn let out while shaking her head showing her disbelief. "yes!" Lily said and pushed Yn towards the door before closing it on her face. "Yahhh u bitch where will I sleep now?" Yn yelled and slammed her hand on her door. "Ask this from Ur 'MoRE ThaN CrUsH'! " Lily answerd while telling from inside making Yn huffed at her desicion on staying here. "Should I really go to his- aaghh this all bcz of this betrayer....I hate u bitch" She mummbled to herself but flinched when."I hate u too my bestie" she got a reply from inside which made her more annoyed than she was before.


Taehyung POV ~

I was still laying on the bed but couldn't sleep bcz of their yelling outside..... don't know how can they yell in night without caring about people around them!.... I was in my thoughts when a knock took my attention towards the door. With a confused face I got up and walked Towards it and opened the door but flinched when I saw her with a angry puffed face with her hands on her waist, her front hairs were falling on her face while they all were tied up in a messy bun, totally looking like 'wife material' hayeee....."move aside I wanna sleep!!" She said while getting inside and plopped herself on my bed before laying. While I stood there with opened mouth , a soft scoff left from my mouth. She looked at me and motioned with her fingers to come to the bed. I gulped before blinking few times and moved my steps toward her.
"Why are u standing its Ur bed na so sleep I will not disturb u" she said like its so simple thing but ask me na.....its a huge heart attack for me...i mean she, who was always shy and timid around me was now came to me herself with a confident attitude thats a big thing mannn......"are u for real-" I asked while sitting on the bed and moved my fingers toward her to take a touch of her presence. "Yes I am really here and if u don't believe then u can touch...see" she said with unbothered expression and took my hand Towards her and placed it on her cheeks. I gulped again as dryness was interupting me in speaking. "Yn I think u are drunk" she scrunched her nose cutely while looking at me before saying " ohh so u like me shy and nervous around u huh!!?" She asked while..... smirking ?? Oohh god something is happened to my ynniee!! She is looking like domanating wife....but wait why is she here?? "I am here bcz Lily asked me to just bcz of Ur unknown deal!" She let out while stared at her with my widdened eyes as she just read my mind. "Ok I am telling u now" she said with sigh and told what had happened in their room before she come here. After listening i facepalmed my self that how careless my sister is.

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