Bestie's Brother!🔞 (Part-2)

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Just like u showed on its previous part

Author POV ~

As Lily hugged Yn tightly with a smiling face, Yn shook her head in disbelief looking at her excitment. They pulled away before moving downstairs for making dinner....

There they saw Lily's brother standing while wearing an apron cutting some veges.

Yn POV ~

As we came down I saw his back in display, he was in the kitchen doing something maybe preparing for dinner.....

As we came down I saw his back in display, he was in the kitchen doing something maybe preparing for dinner

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Lily walked forward while I still stood there looking at his sexy back. I got into my senses when someone wishpered in my ears taking my soul away..
"Done eye fucking my Brother or u wanna make bab-" Lily breathed shamelessy while bitting her lips and I instantly covered her mouth with my hands. This bitch will really kill me with her shameless talks.I glared at her with my sharp big eyes before looking towards to see if he heared Something she said before or not but my eyes got widdened when I saw him looking at us with hands folded on his chest, his face was straight like always like asking what the actual fuck is going on! "Why are covering her mouth Yn?" He asked in usual deep voice making me nervous well i am always nervous around him! "Umm no just-t-" i stutterd while removing hands from her while she smiled teasingly."okk nevermind come u both and helped me in making dinner!" He let out after shaking his head a lil and turned around again being busy in his work. While we both bitches looked each other before she giggled making me smile too. We walked Towards him taking dividing our works and started making our supper. I was stirring the spatula in the pot when my phone rang taking attention of three of us. Lily nodded at me before taking the spatula from me while I took out my phone and saw the id it was my mom... I picked it up before attaching it to my ear and heared a sigh from other side....."Hello? Mom!" I asked "when are u coming its all night now??" She asked with a worried tone. I bit my lips out of habbit before answering."mom actually Lil-" i couldn't complete my sentence as Lily immediately snatched it from hand before answering"hellooo, aunty how r u??she said while smiling I shook my head before walking towards the kitchen and again started doing my work. "Hmm" I heared his deep husky voice as I looked up and saw him standing so close to me just beside me holding a handkerchief infront of me, I gulped before letting out "huh??" He didn't said anything just licked his lips before cleaning my cheeks with that handkerchief maybe it was flour as I was kneeding dough before. He smiled a lil after cleaning making my cheeks again stained but not with flour but with red tint."well u really look more good in my clothes!.......doll" He wishpered in my ears bending a lil down to my level making me look down instantly with shyness, why not when Ur crush is the one who is doing these things to u!!"ah huh"
We immediately separated as we heared her voice with a hint of teasing.she walked Towards me before handling me my phone back. "Romancing behind my back huh" she said while nudging my arm with her elbow making me more shy and embarrassed. "No worries sweetie, i am not going to interupt u both after we done our dinner hmm!" She said while my eyes widened at her spoken words....this girl is really something. I looked up towards him and saw his expressions were same as mine, he was all blushy making chuckled Internally.

Actually he knows that I had a big crush on him which is now more than just a crush, obviously this bitch told him but she also told me about his feelings towards me......which was mutual soooo...I am shyyyy.


Taehyung POV ~

After eating I came into my room while they both maybe in Lily's room....But didn't Lily said that she will give us time to spend alone huh nevermind let me just ask her!

I took out my phone and texted her.



What about Ur promise shortie?🤨

My doll's bestie~

What ?which promise?😕


Ohh u forget already!!huh

My doll's bestie~

Sorry I forget now Tell me already na!


That u will give me and Yn some time to spend alone and will not interupt on which we both made a deal too!!

My doll's bestie~

Ohhhhhh that yeah okkk

She lastly texted and got offline while I thought how can she forget that easily something is really suspicious.


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