Painful nostalgia!

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I don't know why  but I am posting it in the middle of the night.....i can't able to sleep.That experience still haunts me......

Actually I gonna tell u how it feels to get safe life just after the death bed, maybe.

13 sep 2023,

It was evening maybe 6:30 or so, i had finished the portrait I was drawing. ( Yeah Ur author loves drawing) but suddenly I started to feel a lil bit dizzy but thought it could be the effect of fixative spray which I spreaded before.
But no.......that was going more severe and my head started paining like going brust, my nerves of head were thumping fastly making me feel crazy.
I told my mum she said i should take rest as I was working since afternoon. Then we got to know I had high fever as my body was aching and getting hot by temperature. My mum gave me a medicine but........

Later that night i couldn't sleep bcz of aching in my whole body. Everything got high my headache, temperature. I was not able to even call my mom as no word was coming out,I had no energy! Everyone was asleep but i couldn't, i needed to pee so i got up and walked towards the bathroom by holding the support of walls!

I done my work and came back, laying on the bed but there was no sleep only pain.

It was now morning i already suffered whole night and dark circles were evidence of that. When I told my parents about this they instantly told me that they will take me to doctor but i resist but still parents are parents!

After so many convincing finally i went to doctor they took my blood sample but there was Nothing wrong and I took meds.
It was 3 days now but no result only the temperature of my body was increasing. We again went to that doctor but he advised is to get me hospitalised.... Yeahh!

Then my father decided to go to another doctor then also I took meds but no result.

It was now 5th day i woke up and directly went to bathroom after I stood up i instantly felt dizzy and lost my balance, i fell on the bathroom tiles, the door was mum screamed from outside that What happened, i immediately opened the door and stood up holding walls and get out my parents hold me i was all wet and sweaty.
They made sat and asked how is it happend. That following day i was on bed not able to get up but my mum made me ate a lil bit of food which I didn't ate since few days..

At evening my father said me to eat some fruits so mum peeled an apple for me i ate it whole as I didn't ate anything. But after eating i vomited some minutes later and again fell down as I was sitting on chair.

My parents made me laid instantly and they started to cry seeing my condition, i told them that I was ok and  not to cry.

Few secs later my cousin brother also come with a medicine that made me stabalised for some moments as we went to another doctor and they did some checkups before hospitalising me...

They took my blood sample and put I V drip (that hurts so fucking much guys)  after taking blood sample,the report was reached tomorrow evening making my family impatient whole day.

And the result platelets were really really really down it was 10,000 only where it should be 1.5 lakh-3.5 lakh. Mean i was verge on dieing i mean lower than 50,000 platelets is dangerous it could cause internal bleeding or so. Them my paternal uncle gave his blood in exchange of B+ blooded platelets.

I was 1 week hospitalised, everyday they take my blood for counting platelets and after coming back I noticed that my vagina was bleeding i mean not period but something like just clean blood......and from my anal too 😔.........

But it got ok after 2 week or so.....

But in all this i couldn't went to school and my exams were also going to held in Oct.

And yeah I failed in physics but who cares😑
I passed in bio and chem....

U know what I have posted "just a responsibility"  after coming from the hospital but now I don't want to continue it😔

Now I am feeling a lil better by sharing all these negative experience of mine to u all

Now I am sleepy..... thankuu for listening me😭

Bye guys and sorry for not posting another part of my last story but will post tomorrow means on 16.

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