Bestie's Brother!🔞

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Author POV ~

Standing infront of her dressing mirror, in the closet she was checking some of her outfits, not trying them out just putting on her body to check which one looks more good to wear infront of her...... 'crush' whoes also her bestfriend's elder Brother.

After shuffling through a pile of clothes she huffed before choosing a camel shade of brown oversized sweater with a similar coloured skirt which was looking perfect on her pretty legs.

After shuffling through a pile of clothes she huffed before choosing a camel shade of brown oversized sweater with a similar coloured skirt which was looking perfect on her pretty legs

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After clothing herself she made her way towards the bedroom for a lil makeover. She smiled looking herself in mirror image before  applying a brown tint creamy lipstick and dabbed her lips together a few times to spread it evenly on her plumpy lips.

 She smiled looking herself in mirror image before  applying a brown tint creamy lipstick and dabbed her lips together a few times to spread it evenly on her plumpy lips

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Yn POV ~

Now its perfect, i am looking so pretty godddd...ok enough of self-complementing lets go to our destination....

I made my way towards the door before going downstairs where my mom, in the kitchen, was cooking something while her phone  kept on the kitchen counter with a video displayed on it..........oh cooking while seeing kitchen vlogs *smh*.

I moved towards her before pecking her cheeks and said "mom What are u making!??hmm!" She smiled and pecked my cheeks too before saying "umm something which my doll loves~" She let out while moving the spatula in the pot, kept on the stove while i still stood there watching her with a smile."Btw, where is my doll going hmm?" She asked once she was done with her cooking and all before turning her attention to me."umm going to meet Liya at her house!" I answerd but she looked at me with a teasing smile more like a smirk "whatt?" I mouthed while she come a lil closer to me before saying "going to meet her or........his brother...whats his name..aah yeah.... Taehyung! Right?" She wishpered his name softly in my ear before backing away and looked at me with that same smile seeing a crimson tint on my cheeks, maybe."no-no mom what are-" she didn't let me complete and turned me around before pushing me from my back Towards the main door. "Yah stop talking now...i know everything about u thats why i am Ur mother" "now go otherwise u will keep arguing with me over lil things" she said and pushed me outside like throwing me out huh...but anyways she was right in some points. I thought and started walking towards bus stop yeah bus stop its not like my father is a CEO of a company nor I am but we do have a car but still thats my father's so..........

I was walking and walking and walking and lastly i reached the bus stop, the fuck i was so lucky that the bus just stopped on the stop. I immediately rushed Towards it and climbed up before taking a window seat and I noticed that there was only some passenger were seated but nevermind.


I hopped off form the bus and now I have to go by walking again as there is only 15 mins way to reach their house. But now I guess, i am really not that lucky as I felt a small drop of water fell on my nose. I looked up and my eyes widened as that small drop became so many rain drops like god has opened the 'shower of sky'. I immediately rushed from there but still my whole outfit got fully wet as the rain has poured more and more. After running for don't know how many minutes I reached infront of their house. I instantly rang the door bell with my shivering hands as my whole body was shivering, my hairs were stuck on my cheeks,my lips were cold but luckily I have used water proof stuff on my face.

After some sec later door got open and there was Lily standing with a shocked face as she saw me drenched in water. "Omg Ynnn wha- come inside fast" she instantly pulled me inside and went somewhere but came back with a towel in her hand. She handed me while I heared heavy foot steps toward us. I lifted my head up just to see him.......he was standing on the last step of stairs directly looking at me with his dark brown me extra chills in my body."why are u standing here u will catch cold and Lily, u take her to Ur room" he let out looking away from us maybe me but that made my heart go fasten. Lily escorted me to her room and went to her closet before taking out a full sleeves top and sweat pants. I took them before giving her a warm smile and changed into them but..........


Author POV ~

"Oppaa plsss give me na" Lily whined to her brother who showed no response just stared at her with his cold eyes. "Oppaa plss its not for me but Yn!!" He immediately stopped his doings and looked at her with raised brows, maybe for asking explaination. "Actually.......see!!" Lily said pulled Yn beside her from her back before pointing towards her. He looking at Yn from head to toe with wide eyes as she stood there looking down with shyness while wearing Lily's top which was too tight for her upper body as her titts were way too bigger than Lily. They were poking out like going to tear her top off. he gulped before pointing his fingers toward his closet. Lily instantly smiled cheekily and went to his closet to search a hoodie for her bestie. Whereas they both stood there looking down with red tinted cheeks but didn't dare to look up. After some moment later Lily came with a hoodie and told Yn to wear it, she nodded while turning around making her way back to Lily's room.

She replaced her top with his hoodie with a pounding heart as she remembered his gaze on her body, she blushed before moving out from bathroom and sat on the bed beside Lily. "Hmm u are looking more pretty in this than that tallie" Lily mouthed with a giggle and yn too chuckled with her and till evening they have talked (Ur author don't know what they have talked so..)


"Yn plss its been so many months naa" Lily whined while pulling Yn's arm, rocking it back and forth like a child. "But mom-" Yn couldn't complete as Lily stopped her while saying, "I will talk to aunty u just say yes" yn nodded while sighing bcz she knows that her mom will also agree to Lily. "So u are staying here till tomorrow Right!??" Lliy screamed with happiness and hugged Yn tightly.


To be continued

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