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Another part

I hope u enjoy while reading (not in a dirty way🌚)

And yeah vote pls bcz i don't know why but u guys don't vote as much as u vote on my first part of every story

Anyway u can read now________

Author POV ~

After he kissed her she too responded not thinking much about cheating and all..
They both got excited as their bodies got heat up he immediately removed his hoodie before removing his pants while she stared at him with a blush on her cheeks, looking how desperate he is for her, but she knows that he not just physically attracted towards her but with soul too......and thinking about it gives a flutter of butterfly in her abdomen.

"Are u gonna eat me with these eyes"he said with a deep chuckle as he waved his fingers in her hair making her look at him with a pout while he just shook his head at her cute acts.

"Not really but if u want u can eat me" she said with a smirk as he immediately backed away a lil, getting amazed by her change in mood.

But he composed himself before hovering over her again while she just looked at him with a smile more like a smirk.

"Fuck it" he cursed before smashing his lips on hers bitting them, tugging her lower lip with his teeth making her moan.

"Ahh Tae-aa" she moaned while wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her while his hands were making their way towards her hoodie before pulling it over her head and removed her shorts as well.

"Damnn girl!! U are dripping like pool....goddd how much u will cum then" he breathed shamelessy staring at her soaking panties but the pre cum was leaking out of that piece of cloth. He bit his lips looking at the sight and removed that piece of cloth too while a gasp left her mouth as the  cold air hitted on her hole.

But a loud moan left too from her mouth when put his thumb on her clit and start making slow circles.
"Ahh umm Tae ahhaaa" his boxers got tightened listening her moaning his name like this naked under him.

"Yeahh sweet cheeks do u liking it, should I insert my fingers too or.......….. just go with my dick hmm" he asked her while squeezing her ass in his large rough hands, kneading them only to get a sweet moan from her. He kept rubbing his thumb there for a while before inserting two fingers inside her vaginal hole making her arch her back.

As he fucked her with his fingers his bulge getting more aroused as his pre-cum was too dripping making his boxers wet.

(Why can't a boy get wet in books, when in reality they are the one who gets turned on first, am i right or not)

When he saw her arching her back, he smirked before taking her pinkish brown nipples in between his teeth before mummbling."sorry the sight of Ur dripping pussy i forgot to look after Ur perky nipples which were waiting for my attention, ain't they" he licked her nipples one by one making her clench her fingers on bedsheet, he took her hand in his free one while other one was  doing its work in her hole.

"D-do fast i-am cum-" she got cut off as she breathed out heavily and in a while she reached her orgasm making her body shivered while he immediately pulled his fingers out before taking her in his arms rubbing her back softly.

As he was going to touch her, down there to make her relax but she stopped him by putting her hands on his and he got the idea that she is sensitive there.

"My baby's pussy is surely as sensitive as her *chuckled*" he wishpered in her ear slowly with his deep husky voice making her feel wet again just by his voice.And that chuckle surely did something inher body causing her to shudder but not with fear but excitment of him burying his head in her pussy eating her out.

She cursed herself for her fantasy but the boy above her was continuously staring at her with a gentle smile and loving eyes.

"I love u so much, darling" " never think about leaving me sweet cheeks bcz I can afford leaving my soul but not you" he said while sincerity was dripping from his eyes and she smiled hearing it as well as seeing the proof too.


Such a lovey couple!!, Right?

How was it I hope u like it ❤️

Bye 🙃

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