His Secret Girlfriend!!? (part-2)

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Yeah as all ways i didn't recheck it so there can be mistakes.

And I have already published that Indian book go give it a look and also I have posted chapter 1 of that book too.

Taehyung POV~

"Lets go to my house after the college get over hmmm"he wishpered in her ear before pecking her neck as she was still sitting on his lap.But he suddenly stood up while picking her in his arms making her hold onto him tightly.
"Yahhh Taee what are u doing?!! put me down"she screamed out of fear but not of falling but of getting them catch by someone.She was closing her eyes while he was pressing his lips together trying hard not to laugh.
"Babe u are not going to fall if u will I am here na i will catch u" he said and made her sit on the table beside them before settling himself in between her legs. He hold her both thighs keeping them in place as he stared at her bushing face before pecking her nose tip making her more red than she was before. She moved her face to other side while pouting as he was teasing her with his kisses.
"Is my bookwarm got angry hmm" he breathed while pecking her jaw line and lastly give a long wet kiss on her left cheek. She giggled feeling the wetness of his lips on her cheeks giving tickles over there. Then she too gave a peck on both of his cheeks.

As this lovely couple was having their time whereas the leeches i mean some clingy girls aka the bodboy Kim Taehyung's fangirls aka Yn bullies were staring at them through the window of Library as the couple has no idea about the window.
"U know what to do right!??" A girl wishpered to another girl making her smirk evily before staring at them with burning gaze. Then they both went from there cooking something devilish in their mind.


"See she is here, u go to her and grab her till then I am coming with a person who will help us to get revenge from this bitch" the devil girl said to another devil girl making her nod her head with a smirk placed on her face.

Yn POV ~

I was here in our old classroom as its cctv camera got broke bcz of our class's backbenchers but to that the windows were also broken through which the cold air ventilates inside. So to overcome this problem our school's manager had changed our class.
As no one comes here, i took my book here so that I can read it in silence without any disturbance and he too wouldn't come here to distract me*chuckle*.
I settled on a chair with my book just started to read it but a sound caught my attention which was coming from the door as I turned around to take a look but got frightened as two girls were standing behind me with a rope in there hand.
"Wh-hat are u doing h-here!?"I asked them but got no response to which I took a step back getting afraid. But one of them hold my hand before twisting it back making me yelped in pain as she hold it tightly.

Author POV ~

"U don't have to know who we are, just wait what are we going to do with u bitch" the devil girl said and slapped her cheeks making her face tilt to left side. Another girl who was watching them step towards Yn before making her sit on the chair and tied her limbs tightly with the rope. "Ahh leave me plss what are-" yn yelled while struggling to get out off their hold but got another slap on her chubby cheeks making her skin reddened.
Yn sniffed while her tears were pouring out slowly as she remember his words that "don't go anywhere without telling me cutie" but here she was getting physically bullied and no one here to help her.

After tying her on the chair they both stood up before giving each other a high five and smiled in victory. Then a door unlocking sound reached in their ears making them turn their head in the direction of the sound and smirked evily as they saw the person,the devil boy, with her friend."u both did a great job now see what will I do with this slut!" He said and marched towards Yn who was crying silently while shaking her head.while the other three girls went a lil away from them.
He reached to the chair on which she was tied and crouched down sitting on his knees. He held her jaw in his not so gentle hold making her yelp, he held her ponytail in his hand before removing her hairband from it making her hair fall on her shoulder but he held them while pulling making her face him."are not u too beautiful for a bastard like him huh...."he said while smirking and tracing his thumb on her lips making her disgusted she looked at him with her burning eyes but didn't say anything "BARK BITCH!!"he screamed at her face as he got no response from her but glared at her dangerously as she spat her saliva on his face. "U are a bastard not him!!... u jerk"she mouthed while glaring at him. Listening that his nerves got tightened as his veins were popping out his eyes became bloody red. He slapped her twice that her lips started bleeding.

"Now face the consequence BITCH" he spoke while gritting his teeth before he held her top and tore it off making her gasp loudly as she struggled to get out off the ropes but no use as they tied it with their full power.She looked at him with her terrified gaze clenching her fist on the chair while her tears were rolling out."huh such a child she is still wears those teenager's bras but don't worry I will tear it too so that Ur those heavy boo-" he couldn't complete his sentence as they all heared door opening sound and within 2 secs her saviour, Taehyung, came inside with bloodshot eyes as he saw the scene infront of him ,his cutie with messy hairs, tear stained face with teary eyes and unfortunately half naked just with a bra and her skirt on, tied on the chair.

He strode towards them more like running while all the devils got shocked as they thought no one is going to come there but they don't know that what can Taehyung do for his cutie. Just for her.
He bend down to her level and sat down before opening her ropes. After opening the rope he immediately made her wear his jacket before taking her in his embrace. He stood while scooping her in his arms who was still crying silently."shh my baby shh i am here i am sorry this is all bcz of me i should not have left u all alone by urself.....shh don't cry!"he wishpered in her ear who was snuggling in his neck sniffing softly. He kissed her cheeks before turning his gaze towards the devils who did this dirty thing to his bookwarm. He glared at him making the devil gulped while the three girls ran from there but who were they kidding he is Kim Taehyung and he can even burn the person who hurted his cutie.

"Just count down for Ur death bcz I can see it coming close" he said and walked out not before punching the devils face a few times making him knocked out.



Here they were lying on the bed cuddling while he was trying to make her asleep but sleep was nowhere in her eyes as today's incident kept flashing infront of her eyes making her tightened her fist on his hoodie. He softly caressed her back before pecking her face almost every inch of her skin."let me see where they have hurted my cutie?"he mouthed sweetly rocking her body softly. She instantly pulled away from him before sitting on the bed making him do the same.she moved her face towards him before showing him her jaw making him coo at her cutness. His eyes darkened as he saw a bluish swelling on her jaw bcz of the devil boy's doings. He gently kissed there while she sniffed before showing him her wrists which were red due to tightness of ropes, he pecked on them before applying ointment on her injuries. She was fondly looking at him with affection that how he cares for her...how much he loves her..only her.
"Now sleep my baby otherwise u will have dark circles under Ur eyes!" He said while laying her down properly covering her with duvet before switching off the lights. He too laid beside her taking her in his warm embrace, full of love.

"Now be ready to be dead in a most dangerous way, for hurting my girl" he wishpered to himself thinking ways to torture him to death and drifted into the world of dreams.

The end~

I am tired now but u tell me how was it and plssss vote guysss...

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