(bonus story)My Inspector (part-1)

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This is the last story on this book ,my sweethearts .......

And then I am gonna post book2...

For now enjoy it....and yarrrr plsss vote...


Author POV ~

Ruffling through a pile of clothes Yn huffed exhaustedly before plotting herself on the clothes, scattered on her bed...she sighed tiredly staring at the ceilling thinking what to wear to go on a date...... basically her friend's date as her friend told her to come with her just bcz she wanted Yn to meet her boyfriend.....

After taking a breath she stood up before muttering.."why I am caring about clothing, its not like its my date tho" she scoffed before picking up her tank top with a shrug and a jeans....

"why I am caring about clothing, its not like its my date tho" she scoffed before picking up her tank top with a shrug and a jeans

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After getting fully ready she looked down at her wrist watch and gasped slightly before shaking her head in disbelief.."omg Ynnn u are getting late.... run run run !"

She took her car key before heading downstairs and locked her house. She pressed the key opening her car before settling herself on driver seat and drove Towards her destination away from there....


Time skip~

She was driving but her eyes were on her watch too, getting late was the least she thought to happen....she bit her lips and raced up her pace but that was her wrong action as she saw infront of her making her eyes widdened as she instantly pressed breaks and her car stopped in an instant making her jolted towards the steering wheel due to the inertia applied to her body.....

She felt that time has stopped around her, feeling scared to death, she looked up slowly with her shaking hands, she blinked her eyelids fews times processing what would happen if she didn't stop in time.....she sat straight and heared a knock on her car's window taking her attention.

She gulped and pulled down the window and saw a police man, looking at her with a stern expression...but she noticed the change in expressions on his face just when she looked at him......

but she noticed the change in expressions on his face just when she looked at him

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"Are- oh... Miss.. come out of the car he said looking toward her and then called out for an another member who was facing his back at them..

..she got down off the car and got stunned as she saw the other Inspector who was having a file in his hand and was concentrated when he turned towards them.....

He looked up to that policeman and gesture him speak up, he didn't saw yn as she was hided by the car's opened door....but that policeman beckoned him to come over there and take a look what this lady could do if he didn't signal her to stop right there.....

but that policeman beckoned him to come over there and take a look what this lady could do if he didn't signal her to stop right there

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He came with his long steps covering the distance between them within few steps...as he approached them he looked down at her who was too looking down feeling extremely scared and guilty too...."whats with this girl Jungkook? We have a lot of work over there!!" He slightly yelled, asking for an explanation from his junior.... Jungkook who stood straight before motioning him with his eyes to look at her, who she is actually!!...

The senior sighed before turning to Yn who slowly looked up with her pleading eyes....He looked at her with a gap in his mouth and with a lil shocking gaze before looking at her car to which he familiar with.....he averted his gaze from her eyes to her body checking if she is ok, did she get hurt somewhere.......she gulped feeling tension between the atmosphere......and bowed multiple times while saying "sorry sir I am really sorry for my mistake!!" "Huh?? " Just that left from his mouth looking at her movements...then he took his attention towards the man who was seeing all this while pressing his lips in thin line not wanted to meddle in between them...."sir-r actually Miss was driving with a high speed that too without fastening her seatbelt!" He let out the truth before looking down...

The senior sighed again and said while throwing scary glares toward her...."if she had done this then she have to pay fine too..... Jungkook take charges from her...." He said and walked away without looking at her making pout sadly....

"Ahh I'm sorry Yn but I have to its Taehyung sir's order...." She looked with a guilty face at her boyfriend's friend plus junior  before taking out the money that she have to pay now....


So I hope u all get to know Who is who and whose...(I don't know if this make sense)

So.....wait for Yn punishment-.........wait why would she get punishment its not like she had done some kind of sin...but All I can say is that he will surely get a punishment for not-......

I will tell u in part 2 so wait and vote...

Bye 🙃

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