Feed Me Too🔞

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I will post next part of 'my inspector' soon for now read this ........and plssss vote guys ....

I really feel happy and contented when u vote .....

Ignore the mistakes bcz its a long one.....


Author POV ~

We think babies are so cute like they are some kind of Angels....but sometimes they put us on troubles like devils.......but still they are the purest creatures on the earth.....

Don't know why but today's couples don't wanna get pregnant and have baby.... bcz they thought babies as burden or trouble makers....but in my opinion they really are not worthy for having baby....as said that "every child deserves parents but every parents don't deserve child"....

But.....here, our 3 years married couple is incredibly contented...for the arrival of their newly born baby........a cute lil baby boy....Kim Taegu..

And he just completed his 8 month.....making his parents cooed over him as he has became so chubby with his cute tiny milk teeth......and they are like 2-3 in numbers!!......so cuteeeee

Currently, the baby is having full mood of being naughty......and why not when he has came to his grandparents' house......

His grandpa is holding him securely and bouncing him up and down slowly.....making the baby giggle loudly.....

His father, Kim Taehyung sitting beside his dad, was having a smile on his face remembering the days when he was there in Taegu's place........seeing babies is like, our childhood displaying infront of our eyes.........


Yn POV ~

Mom and I are in the kitchen making dinner for all..... Taehyung and I, with Taegu came here in the morning to spend time with elders...but my parents were busy so they couldn't come......

Seeing our baby this happy with his grandparents make my heart feels blessed.....it feels so haapy seeing him getting comfy with them ...as he is really a shy baby...he doesn't come to everyone easily.....but me and Taehyung........

And about Taehyung, he is kinda getting more possessive to both of us....its not like he was not before.....but he cares for our Taegu and me like ....we both are his babies........(Chuckles).....but who would tell him.....that he is my big baby too.....

"Ynahh, child what happened why are u smiling while looking there??" I slightly flinched as I heared Mom's voice beside me making feel more shy......she gasped dramatically while holding her cheeks...."Ohh its the effect of my son, right!!" She remarked while smirking playfully at me.....makjng me look down while bitting my lips..."ohh my darling, there is nothing to be shy of.....and moreover u are a mom now....so should be bold now...my child!" She said and patted my back and walked away with dishes in her hands....

She is really something.......(Smh)


"Dad here it is ..... Taehyung said u like this so much....so I made it..." I said while serving the food.....while there is a person whoes stares I felt on my back and took a turn just to see my man is looking at me with puppy eyes.... saying me to have a seat beside him and have my dinner with everyone......

"Mom say her na its enough of serving and all we will take by ourselves......just sit here and have it!!" He said before standing up and hold my wrist softly and made me sit on the chair beside him and served me before filing my glass with wate.........he motioned me to eat while smiling....making me smile too.....he is really a caring gentleman....

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