Her Childish husband' (part-3)

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I know I am so lazy towards my work and also From a few days i was so busy.......

I am sorry.....

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The next day~

Author POV ~

The couple was still sleeping as it was Sunday, means no office and school......only rest but is it true no bcz in my point of view the fun of Sunday could be feel only on day before it i.e Saturday.......for now stop this talkings and lets take our attention to the couple who fought with each other last night just on some issues....

The man, who was tangled in between his duvet laying on the side of the bed back facing his woman only for her to cling onto his back..... hugging him from behind like they spend a blissful night yesterday (smh)...he shifted  as he rolled to her a lil taking her in his arms still captivated by his sleep.....

She too kept her head on his chest totally forgetting the circumstances they have created last night but still like a other normal morning they were just minding their hugging session in their half sleep...

But due to ticklish feeling on his chest due to her hairs as they were scattered on his hard chest which was covered by a soft hoodie giving his woman, warmth of his body....

He opened his eyes just a lil, but soon closed them due to the sun's glowing rays coming from the window were directly hitting on them.....

He yawned shortly before putting his chin on her head as she was still sleeping hugging him...

He looked down at her with not so clear vision as he rubbed his eyes before hugging her back tightly.... forgetting about her given punishment to him....

He nuzzled his face in the Crook of her neck before pecking it...

But stopped his all moves as Something striked in his mind...he pulled away softly to look over her face.....

He stared at her face with a slight pout on his lips as he remembered her last night words.... making him gulped the sorrowful feeling inside him ...the pain he felt at that moment when she said that maturity line....which hurted him so badly.......like he never excepted she would say Something like that...but she did!!! Not even realising she is hurting a soul....

He got up before making her lay properly and covered her....he made his way towards the bathroom for freshen up.....


He came out after doing his morning routine...and looked over the bed just to see his woman nuzzling her face in their cozy  blanket, he stared at her with heart eyes.. admiring her morning beauty.....

He walked towards the closet before coming out fully dressed in a casual outfit...

He thought to wake her up like he usually do on sundays but stopped on his track...as he rememberd her statement that not to come close to her......

He bit his lips before heading outside from their bedroom, he knocked on the door of his daughter's room only for her to open it while rubbing her eyes, still sleepy.......

"Dadd, good morning!" He smiled at before wishing back...."good morning, princess" he pecked her forehead before saying.."quickly get fresh, i am gonna make Ur favourite sandwiches!!" He said while patting her head who nodded it before turning back to her room....

But turned around in a spin before holding his hand..."did mom said something to u?"
He sighed and shook his head.."why thinking like that!"
She opened her mouth to say but closed as she couldn't found what to say..."no Jia, Ur mom said nothing!" He mouthed but his eyes were letting out something else...

Yn spread her arms to hold her man but found nothing more than a blanket and pillows....she groaned and sit on the bed rubbing her palm on her face....

"What time it is??" She wishpered to herself before wearing her slippers and looked at the wall where the clock was hanging......

She gasped slowly as she saw the time which was 10:15 am..

"How i slept till this late...ohh their breakfast!!" She face palmed herself but got relaxed as she smelled some delicious food fragnance from downstairs....she got the idea that he was making something for them....

She then went to the bathroom to do her routine......

While bathing she lost in her thoughts about last night, she sighed sadly....

"That was too much!!!" She let out with a low tone releasing the hint of her guiltyness...."how did I say such cruel words to him knowing his insecurity......such a bad wife he got!!"she blinked her eyes few times to get rid of her tears which were pooling out....."need to make it up"......


To be continued.........

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