Her Childish husband' (bonus)

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Sitting on his lap, cuddling him while making a pout, out of boredom, she tilted her head only to take glance of his side profile, concentrated in his work. She carefully observed his actions, watching how hot and at the same time adorable he was looking but not giving his precious attention to her....which somehow made her annoyed yet she waited for him to finish it as soon as possible....

But couldn't as she started moving left to right still on his lap just like a whiny kid.....he stopped working and placed his big rough hand on her waist stopping her too from moving.....

"Bored??" He asked in a calm voice while cupping her face with his other hand....she pouted before nodding slowly and placed her head on his shoulder....while he patted her head lovingly....

"When will it finish.....u told me it will take some minutes but its already 1 hr........I am sleepy i wanna cuddle with u" She said with a slight sleepy tone while motioning her finger towards the wall clock....

"But we are cuddling now too, right? Sleep like this, when my work will done I will lay u down hmm...." He spoke still caressing her hairs with a soft pace....she shook her head while snuggling it in his neck....making him giggle at the ticklish feeling....

"Stop! u fluffy ball" he let out while still chuckling at her behaviour...but she didn't stop instead start sucking his neck like a baby sucks whatever comes in its mouth.......she placed some kisses which were full of love and affection.....there was not any lust in her action.....

He wiggled at his place as he felt butterflies playing inside his stomach......he closed his laptop before putting it aside and flipped her down before hovering above her.....she giggled at his red tinted cheeks while poking them cutely, and that was not a act to get his forgiveness........infact it was the love language she had before their marriage.....

"See I made u stop Ur work!!" She breathed while smiling with her heart.....he nodded while squinting his eyes as he too nuzzled his face in her neck inhaling her natural fragnance.....before pecking there....

"Yahhh....u are taking revenge??"she let out with a whiny tone making the male smiled at her....he pecked her lips as she stopped talking....she opened her mouth to say something but got cut off as he again pecked them and repeatedly did before giving a last smooch on them.....she stared at him with a soft gaze only for him to pecked her forehead, while the affection and love was clearly dripping from his actions......

"Now, Lets cuddle, u Fluffy ball!" He wishpered directly on her lips making her close her eyes at the sensation.....he swiftly moved away and layed beside her before taking her in his arms scooping her fully while tangling legs with her, being the big spoon himself.....

She traced her Fingers on his arm which were under her head like a pillow...she got lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise that her husband was looking at her with a soft concerned gaze....

He moved more closer to her before kissing her nape.."why so lost , yn?? He inquired but didn't got any response...he shook her body before caressing her ears with his thumb......she shuddered and glanced back to her husband who was carefully examining her distressed expressions.....

He moved his fingers and traced them on her crashed brows while smoothening them.."don't frown....u look pretty while smiling babe....and whats the reason behind those distressed expressions hmm??" He asked while caressing her cheeks making her leaned into his soft touch more and more.......she turned her body towards him before she hugged him tightly while wishpering on his chest..."I....am really guilty....bcz of my actions.....I was so harsh with u... and u ....
U were still soft.....its feeling like I will die with this regret-" he pulled away from the hug before cupping her cheeks.......and placed his lips onto her......he felt they were shivering her body was stiffened....so he placed his hands inside her shirt before caressing her waist....... relaxing her muscles....

"Why my baby is so dumb hmm? Are not u getting that I already forgot about those incidents... I'm not hurt anymore.....I got what I wanted and thats Ur.......... attention, Ur care, Ur love, u time.... " He let out all the things from his heart, meltling the other one's by them..........she looked Towards him while biting her lips from breaking down infront of him.............. again

"Shhhh .....my yn don't cry.....u know na baby I can't see u cry or sad hmm.......so don't cry plss..." As he spoke she took a deep breath before getting stable..."hmm very good, darling,now give me a  smile.....a bright one" he demanded while caressing her waist making her smile but that didn't reach her eyes..

He sighed....and tickled on her tummy to which she giggled loudly as she smiled once again and that reached her........eyes....making his heart melt......

"Taee ahh haha haha plsshaaaa stop noww!!" She breathed while laughing......he smiled cheekily seeing her and stopped his sweet torture of tickling before hugging her again.....

"Now we are fine? " He asked while she nodded hastily which made him feel peace in his heart....."ok so now sleep my Fluffy ball......"  He mouthed while caresses her back....

"Good night ,Taetae....." She spoke last time before landing into her sleep.....

"Good night, baby" he too wished her before pecking her lips ......


Awww...... everything was so fluffy here.... comment down how was it??

U know sometimes I think my book is cringe as fuck.....but sometime it felt amazing....

Next bonus will be of 'Dil-wali'...as one of reader asked for it...

Thankuu for reading


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