LOVE with soul!❤️ OBSESSION with body!

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This is also a suggested one so.....I hope u like it....

And yeah plsss vote..


Author POV ~

A girl in her mid twenties was standing infront of mirror, staring her mirror image with a proud smirk as she got a beautiful yet perfect figure.

"What good deeds have I done? That I got this much sexy curves" she was drooling over herself while applying a mute colour lipstick.

"Ynnn why so pretty......The boy will be so lucky who will marry me that he will have me as his wife....ohhh god" she mouthed and took her small bag with her hand purse.

And walked out of the room not before checking herself in he mirror one more time.


She was stand on the road side waiting for a taxi, later a taxi stopped after her.

She got inside and said.

"Take me to the smart corp" she said while sitting comfortably.

"Ok miss" driver said and started car's engine before moving to her destination.

After a half an hour they reached.

As she stepped out of the car she stood infront of a big building.

She sighed  and entered inside and went towards the receptionist  who was checking some files.

"Excuse me, can i ask u is Mrs.choi free now, actually today is my first day here so i don't know how-" she was telling her but got cut off when-

" U are Miss Yn, actually I am Ur leader as Mrs. Choi has assign me to handle Ur work, come this way" a boy in his late twenties said with a gentle smile on his face while she stood still with her opened mouth.

"Hey Miss Yn come now, u have to start Ur work" he said when he didn't find her behind him and she slightly fliched and nodded her head before moving toward.


They both entered in the elevator and he pressed the button but the whole time she was just staring at him with a small smile.

"Why are u smiling miss" he asked with a frown on his face.

"Oh no no i mean i am so excited for my first job" she answered nervously.

He slightly chuckled before saying.

"This excitment is only for a few days, and after that you will feel very happy when you get a leave from work." He said while pouting showing that how much work he does.

"Hmm btw u didn't tell me Ur name or should I just call u leader huh" she said while giggling a lil at last.

They reached at the floor while he said.

" Ohh sorry.......myself Kim Taehyung and I have been working here for 4 years" he said

They both entered in his cabin which was in beside of Mrs. Choi

"So miss yn here are some files and u have to check them by tomorrow" he said while showing her a pile of files kept on his table.

"Ok sir..." She said while bowing her head and picked them in her hands but stop as she thought where will she do this work .

"But sir where-"  she was going to ask but he answerd

"First of all u don't need to call me sir u can just call me by my name" he said before countinuing.

" And yeah u can work in my cabin for today and tomorrow I will arrange Ur desk hmm" he said and sat on his chair before indulging in his work.

And she too sat on the couch with the files and start working.

But sometimes she was staring at him seeing how his long finger holding that pen, how he was licking his lips out of habit and how handsome, hot and sexy he is.


Now it was 7:30 and they are still working

" Sir....i mean Taehyung I have done it is there any more file" she said and took the files to his table.

"U have done it today itself howw..…...that too while staring at me half of the time"he asked while raising his brows with a lil smirk.

"Ugh....i mean yeah why not when u are this much handsome" she said with a shrug .

" Ohh so let me guess...........umm You have fallen in love with me at first sight, right?" She stared at him with a shocked face bcz that straightforward answer she was not expecting.


How was it???

Maybe a lil boring but anyways I will write something interesting i second part..


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