LOVE with soul!❤️ OBSESSION with body! (part 2)🔞

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Hellooo after a lil long time

So yeah here is the second part and u know what the deal is

U want stories and I want Ur comments and Ur precious vote

I didn't recheck it so there can be some mistakes...

Author POV ~

It was almost night here a man half laying on his bed keeping his laptop on his lap, doing his office work since afternoon.

And here a woman keep sulking at the sight of her boyfriend who was not even sparing a glance ag her and thought how other times he just clings onto her.

She moved forward huffing and removed the blanket which he was covering on his body.

He snapped at the feeling of getting cold air in his body and getting disturbed from his work.

He looked towards the source of his disturbance and found his angry girlfriend not looking less than a snowball.

"What!!?" He yelled with a annoyed face but flinched when she jumped onto his lap straddling him.

"Ohh so now u will yell at me like that hmm and what 'what' huh!?" "I came here in this chilled weather to meet u and here u are just fingering Ur laptop.... like seriously dude!!?"she yelled in the way like  he just did.

"Ohh... I'm so sorry about that my bub.....just wait for some minutes hmm its almost done..........." She just stared at him with squinting eyes scanning his face if he is sure about his words.

"Alright alright I will do it later okk now happy hmm bub and also I was not fingering just doing office work ok don't make feel like I am cheating on u bub" he said while surrendering himself in her sharp eyes look.

But got shocked when she instantly pulled him in a kiss bitting on his lips harshly like pouring all her anger on them.

He moaned as she licked where she just bit.

She pulled away while their lips were still touching e/o

"Damnn God!! I love u too much!.....I just feel so greatful that I confessed that day only"
She mouthed while saying this on each word her lips were giving chill to his .

"Hmmm and I am proud that I was successful to made u fall in love with me on our first meeting." He said while tugging her hair strand behind her ear just to get a clear view of her pretty face which was red by now.

Yess, they are in a relationship.
But its not like they are together just for physical needs or bcz of  attraction. Its love at first sight!! Some may not believe in it but some just become crazy in LOVE! ......just like them.

"So what should we do now hmm" she asked cutely while playing with his veiny hand like examing it how sexy it looks, just hers to hold, just hers to kiss on, just hers to put in her puss-

Her fantasy got broke when he said.

"What happened why are u not listening...i was calling for 5 secs.....where u were zoning out hmm" he asked while caressing her back before sliding his other hand inside her shirt which was basically his.

His fingers didn't stop but start making circles on her bare back playing with her soft skin

She shivered in his hold at that feeling and closed her eyes.

Kim Taehyung Oneshots || Kth Fanfiction ||kth x Reader||🔞+Where stories live. Discover now