Her Childish husband' (part-4)

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Before start reading first read that following NOTICE

~Notice to all my readers~

Its feel so great to see Ur interest in this book of mine which I have started writing just for my self satisfaction ig......but u all gave me soooooo much love through voting and reading this book which I had not imagine........

So......the thing which I want to tell u all is-

I am gonna put that 'Complete' tag on this book bcz I think, its enough of stories here..........and gonna end it soon........


If u want me to make book 2 of it then comment now as I was thinking to make book 2 of Kim Taehyung's oneshot.....

I really enjoyed writing this book , most of them were 'cringe', some were 'soft' and my so called 'smut'.......but you all encouraged me to write more and I am really glad about it.....

~Thank you


Author POV~

He swiftly added the stuffing inside the sandwich and was looking tempting, both the sandwich as well as the one who was making it.....but..... everything not goes how we think....just as he was about to serve it....his hand touched the bottle of ketchup which was placed on the slab by him only .......but now see what had happened with it........the ketchup was all poured on the shining tiles making his daughter gasped loudly before she walked towards him only to get stopped by her father, "ah noo don't come, u will hurt urself" he said to which she nodded and just then Yn came downstairs after hearing that falling sound.

She looked at him who was having expressions of disappointment of not paying enough attention.....she came forward and frowned looking at the mess before clenching her jaw.....

"How???" She just asked making the male gulped hearing her tone which was stern just as her face...."actually- it got slipped by me while making sandwich!" He honestly answered making her shook her head she didn't said just beckoned him to which he came forward and said "I am sorry I will-" he got cutted off by her as she spoke "what will you do huh after creating such mess...... always on making it difficult for me......u know what I was feeling guilty that I said to such words but u know what I said each and every word right" "You literally so clumsy Tae.....U surely need to be a lil responsible Tae" he was looking down stopping his tears to come out hearing her complain towards his nature........but isn't she is the one who said that she loves Childish boys before their marriage......a sob left his mouth making his daughter looked at him "mom its too much u are hurting dad!!" Jia said while holding her mother's hand...."Jia I am sorry baby but Ur dad need this lesson to improve his mistakes!!" Jia sighed before walking towards her room....."u also go I will clean this mess by myself only !!!" She proclaimed with a angry voice which made him pout slightly....he turned to walk towards their room but she stopped him "did u have Ur breakfast?" She asked but got no reply as he nodded his head without turning back and walked upstairs.......she just sighed and started cleaning the mess......


Taehyung POV ~

Do I am that bad...is she getting irritated by me? Or is she fell out of love......but the way she Questioned that did I eat my breakfast or not saying something else.......I can't help but to feel so low like my own wife was scolding me infront of my child.......its feel so hurt my heart feels so hurt ......she doesn't even care about my feelings my emotions..........my weak point.....that is my insecurities......*sigh* maybe she is tired of me.......also its been 18 years we are together...if thats the point than I will not talk with her too......How good those days were when we were newly married couple, always on romancing here and there in this house but see how she is treating me.........I accepted that I am still Childish like a teenage boy but I am a father too and I know that was my mistake to throw that used condom in out room but I did't remember where I throwed it thats why I forgot about it .......but she ......huh she doesn't love me now.............

I was thinking all this while my tears were not stopping from pouring out but I instantly wiped my face as she came inside while making bun of her hairs......she saw me as I was sitting on the bed while scrolling through my phone....she sighed before sitting beside me but still with that emotionless face.......She was still angry.......but now I was too.....

Enough of this insults hmmp......

I too ignored her making her frowned as she looked at me.

I don't care just like u don't care about my feelings.......but my heart was saying me to say her sorry about my mistake but I kicked that thought out before walking inside the closet and came out wearing a formal suit..........as I was going to a official meeting which I had postponed but seeing the circumstances I thought its better to stay away from her as she is the one who told me to do so.........

She looked at me with raising her brows giving me her quesnable gaze to which I....................ignored obviously.....

She stood up coming infront of me with her arms folded on her chest....."where mister?" She inquired but this time I did't gulped instead I stared at her with my daunting eyes making her gulp............

But Internally I was dancing.....why not I just made my girl gulped with my stares.......its literally a big deal for me......its not like I haven't made her gulped before but that was just on bed, at night sometimes morning too...........urhhh what I am thinking........

I don't wanna misbehave with her...... hell I don't wanna even think about it.........but wanna made her feel like she made me...... ofcourse we are a couple so we should share everything right!!......and pain too.......

Author:- don't mind him bachha hai.....from heart..

This lazy author too.......*sigh* I will see her later first give a lesson to my woman


Yn POV ~

As I came in our room I saw him using his phone ignoring my existence but what my eyes caught were his tears which he swiftly hide from me......but then out of sudden he stood up before walking towards the closet and came out fully ready to go...... office??

I stood up before walking towards him and stood infront of him with my raising brows.......and asked where he was going but he didn't reply just stared at me with his cold eyes? What happened to him,I gulped my saliva like gulping my existence which was looking too small infront of him......he towered over me like going to just brust his all anger on me to which I am ok but no he didn't......he walked outside the room and................ignored me againnnn

Umm thats acceptable ig.......

But he did wrong na......u know I had to wash the floor 3 times just bcz of his mistake......now my hands are hurting.......

Author:- but u hurted his heart bitch........

I ignored this author's statement before walking towards jia's room..........


To be continued~

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